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2025.01.15 00:27
第十一部 第十一課: to putz around , worrywart
- 李華打電話問 Larry,想不想到動物園去看看新的熊貓展覽.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: to putz around 和 worrywart。
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- 嘿, Larry,你在做什麼啊?忙不忙啊?
- Not really. I was just putzing around the apartment, cleaning up a little and putting some things away. Why? What do you have in mind?
- 哦~,你在家打掃,整理東西.你還在家幹什麼啦?什麼是 putzing around?那是什麼意思啊?
- To putz around is to behave idly, without anything very urgent or important to do. I don't have anything special to do, so I'm just putzing around doing minor things.
- To putz around 就是沒有什麼迫切或重要的事做,只是在家東晃晃、西摸摸.嘿!既然你沒什麼重要事做,要不要一塊兒去動物園.我想去看看啊新來的熊貓。
- Sure. We can putz around the zoo and look at the animals. The weather is beautiful today, so it will be nice to go outside.
- 就是啊,今天天氣這麼好,待在家裡太可惜了,還不如到動物園去逛逛,看看動物啊。
- Yeah, it's much better to putz around outside in the sunshine. It's so great to have time to relax.
- 沒錯.前一陣子啊我忙得連睡覺的時間都沒有,更別說四處閒晃了.說實話,我還真喜歡閒逛呢, I like to putz around。
- When do you want to leave?
- 嗯~,你半個小時內能出門嗎?我聽說啊熊貓在下午的時候比較活躍,這時候去啊最有意思了!
- Sure. I'll meet you at the university gate in half an hour.
- 沒問題!一會兒見!
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- Larry,快一點!我怕我們會錯過這班公車,太晚了我們就看不到熊貓了!
- Calm down, Li Hua. Don't be such a worrywart. We have plenty of time to catch the bus and the pandas aren't going anywhere.
- 嘿!你又說我什麼了啊?什麼是 worrywart?
- A worrywart, very simply, is a person who worries too much.
- A Worrywart,就是指一個人不是擔心這個,就是擔心那個,而這些都是一些微不足道的事情.那不就是我們中文裡說的「杞人憂天」嗎? Larry,我真的是這樣的人嗎?
- Sometimes, you can be a worrywart. For instance, you worry a lot about your grades.
- 可是,擔心成績不好.這很正常啊!很多人都會擔心他們的成績,學習成績可不是什麼微不足道的事呢!
- Most people worry about their grades, but you worry more than most people.
- 我比別人擔心更多!我才不信呢.你自己不也老是擔心工作,老是擔心你的老闆和同事對你印象不好啊。
- I don't worry too much about work! I have a healthy concern for what my boss and my co-workers think, but I don't think I'm a worrywart.
- 哦~,我擔心就是過份.你擔心就是正常的啊!你自己想想,你應該 8 點上班,可上星期啊你每天早上 5 點就起床,就怕遲到,這不是過份嗎?
- Yeah, I guess that is a little extreme. I think I'll get more relaxed at work once I've gotten more settled in. I'm still new.
- 我知道.你是剛到那家公司去工作,所以特別緊張.等到你習慣以後就會放鬆一些囉.得了,我們還是好好享受今天這麼棒的天氣,去看熊貓囉!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語.第一個是: to putz around,這就是「四處閒晃,無所事事」的意思.另一個常用語是: worrywart,這是指「一個人擔心個沒完」,就像中文裡所說的「杞人憂天」。