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2024.10.03 22:23
十月份 第 14 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][06]
- (2007-10-18)------
- China Says US Award for Dalai Lama Gravely Undermines Relations
- 中國稱美國授獎達賴喇嘛嚴重損害關係
- China says the United States has "gravely undermined" relations between the two countries by awarding Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, with its highest civilian medal.
- 中國說,美國授予西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛民間最高榮譽獎章,「嚴重損害了」兩國的關係。
- Foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao told reporters Thursday that the United States needs to take concrete steps to make amends for what he called the "terrible impact" of its actions.
- 外交部發言人劉建超星期四對記者說,美國需要採取有效步驟,修補他所稱的美方行動產生的「惡劣影響」。
- The ministry also summoned Washington's ambassador in Beijing to deliver a strong protest over the ceremony.
- 中國外交部還召見了美國駐華大使,就美國國會向達賴喇嘛頒獎提出強烈抗議。
- In Washington on Wednesday, President Bush personally presented the 72-year-old Buddhist monk with the Congressional Gold Medal and called on China's leaders to open talks with the Dalai Lama.
- 在華盛頓,布希總統星期三親自將國會金質獎章頒發給現年 72 歲的達賴喇嘛,並呼籲中國領導人與達賴喇嘛展開會談。
- China accuses the Dalai Lama of seeking independence for Tibet.
- 中國政府指責達賴喇嘛尋求西藏獨立。
- In his remarks, the Dalai Lama reiterated his desire for the Tibetan people to have meaningful autonomy within China.
- 達賴喇嘛在發言中重申了藏人能在中國領土內擁有實際意義自治的願望。
- (2007-10-18)------
- US Military: Intercepted Afghan Weapons Came From Iran
- 美國軍方:阿富汗截獲武器來自伊朗
- The top commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan says weapons intercepted last month in the country originated in Iran.
- 駐阿富汗的北約部隊總司令說,上個月在阿富汗截獲的武器來自伊朗。
- U.S. Army General Dan McNeill said Thursday NATO forces stopped a convoy from Iran on September fifth in western Afghanistan.
- 美國陸軍麥克尼爾將軍星期四說,北約部隊今年 9 月 5 號在阿富汗西部攔截一個來自伊朗的車隊。
- He said the convoy contained a number of advanced technology improvised explosive devices.
- 他說,車隊中包括一些數量的技術先進的自製爆炸裝置。
- McNeil said it is hard to believe that a shipment of hi-tech explosives could have originated in Iran and come to Afghanistan without the knowledge of the Iranian military.
- 麥克尼爾說,很難相信這些來自伊朗的高技術爆炸裝置,能在伊朗軍方不知情的情況下進入阿富汗。
- U.S. government leaders have accused Iran of arming the Taleban insurgency in Afghanistan, a charge that Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has denied.
- 美國政府領導人指責伊朗武裝阿富汗塔利班反叛分子.伊朗總統艾哈邁迪內賈德否認這種指控。
- Taleban insurgents have increased their use of suicide and roadside bombs to target foreign and Afghan troops.
- 塔利班反叛分子最近增加了針對外國和阿富汗部隊的自殺式和路邊炸彈襲擊。