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2025.02.19 03:42
十月份 第 14 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]
- (2010-10-20)------
- China Greets Holder With Crackdown on Copyright Violations
- 中國以打擊侵犯版權行為迎接霍爾德訪華
- China has announced a six-month campaign to crackdown on the piracy of copyright-protected goods.
- 中國宣佈展開為期 6 個月的行動,對盜版有版權保護產品的行為進行打擊。
- Public Security Minister Meng Jianzhu promised that violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
- 中國公安部長孟建柱承諾,違法者將受到法律最大限度的追究。
- He spoke during a meeting Wednesday with U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in Beijing.
- 他是星期三同美國司法部長霍爾德在北京舉行會談時做出上述表示的。
- Holder replied that the issue is of "great concern" to the United States and offered China any assistance with its campaign.
- 霍爾德對此回應說,盜版是美國“非常關注”的問題,美國願意對北京的行動提供任何協助。
- Meng said the campaign will target infringements of intellectual property rights in every industry and sector, ranging from video products to food.
- 孟建柱說,這次的行動將針對從影音製品到食品的每一個有侵犯知識產權行為的行業和部門。
- China is listed by the United States as one of the biggest violators of intellectual property rights, with cheap copies of Hollywood movies and brand name designer fashions sold openly in many places.
- 中國被美國列為最大的侵犯知識產權國之一;中國很多地方公開出售好萊塢電影和名牌時裝的廉價複製品。
- (2010-10-20)------
- Afghan President Sees Hope for Peace
- 阿富汗總統看到和平希望
- Afghan President Hamid Karzai says the hope for peace in Afghanistan has increased, with the war-torn nation and its allies working to improve security over the next two years.
- 阿富汗總統卡爾扎伊說,隨著阿富汗這個飽受戰爭摧殘的國家及其盟友致力於在今後兩年改善安全狀況,阿富汗實現和平的希望增加了。
- President Karzai did not directly refer to reconciliation talks with the Taliban during a speech in Kabul Wednesday.
- 卡爾扎伊星期三在喀布爾的講話中沒有直接提及政府同塔利班進行的和解會談。
- But he said Afghanistan's neighbors endorse the peace process.
- 但是他說,阿富汗的鄰國支援這個和平進程。
- The Afghan leader has established a High Peace Council to negotiate an end to the nine-year war with the Taliban.
- 這位阿富汗領導人建立了一個高級和平委員會通過談判來結束同塔利班展開的持續了 9 年的戰爭。
- On Wednesday, The New York Times quoted unnamed Afghan officials who said peace talks involved "extensive, face-to-face discussions" with Taliban commanders.
- 美國《紐約時報》星期三援引沒有透露姓名的阿富汗官員的話說,和談涉及同塔利班的指揮官進行“深入的、面對面的討論”。
- Afghan leaders also are said to have met with members of the Haqqani network, an al-Qaida linked militant group responsible for several deadly attacks in Afghanistan.
- 阿富汗領導人據說同哈卡齊網路的成員會了面;哈卡齊是與基地組織有關聯的激進團體,在阿富汗發動過幾起致命襲擊。
- The Taliban has publicly rejected the peace dialogue.
- 塔利班已經公開拒絕和平對話。
- But NATO leaders say their forces have facilitated the safe passage of Taliban leaders to Kabul for talks.
- 但是北約說,他們的部隊為前來喀布爾進行會談的塔利班領導人的安全通行提供了方便。