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三月份 第 10 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2012-03-14) ------

  • Clinton: US Will Remain Asian Power
  • 克林頓:美國將維持在亞太實力
  •   Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the U.S. strategic outreach to the Asia Pacific region will be a top priority as Washington transitions away from a decade of military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • 美國國務卿希拉芯‧克林頓說,在美國逐漸脫離持續十年的伊拉克和阿富汗軍事行動之際,美國向亞太地區的戰略擴展將成為首要任務。

  •   Clinton told a gathering of U.S. diplomats in Washington on Tuesday the future of Asia will continue to be vital to U.S. interests, saying a government-wide effort is being made to develop new relationships there.
  • 克林頓星期二在華盛頓對一些美國外交官說,亞洲的前途將繼續對美國的利益至關重要,目前美國政府正為在亞太地區發展新的關係而做出廣泛的努力。

  •   In her wide ranging speech at the Global Chiefs of Mission conference, Clinton outlined her priorities for American diplomatic efforts over the next year.
  • 克林頓在全球使命首腦會議上發表了內容廣泛的演講,概述了她在今後一年期間的美國外交工作重點。

  •   She said U.S. diplomats will continue to focus on sustainable development programs around the world, help build a transparent and fair global economic system, and promote democracy in the Middle East and other developing areas.
  • 她說,美國外交官將繼續把工作重點放在世界各地的可持續發展項目上,幫助建立一個透明而公平的全球經濟體系,並促進中東以及其他發展中地區的民主化。


  • (2012-03-14) ------

  • Clinton Promises Continued US Support for Rights Groups
  • 克林頓承諾繼續支持人權組織
  •   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has reminded U.S. diplomats of the need for support of civil society and human-rights organizations that have come under fire by governments in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • 美國國務卿希拉芯‧克林頓提醒美國外交官支持公民社會和人權組織的必要性;公民社會和人權組織遭到在中東和北非地區政府的打擊。

  •   Clinton told a group of American ambassadors gathered Tuesday in Washington that support for groups promoting "universal" human rights in restrictive countries is a fundamental part of U.S. foreign policy.
  • 星期二,希拉芯‧克林頓在華盛頓對一組美國駐外大使說,幫助動盪國家的那些促進 “普世” 人權的組織是美國外交政策的基石之一。

  •   Clinton acknowledged a number of governments have spoken out or taken legal action against U.S.-funded rights groups, saying they represent unacceptable foreign interference.
  • 克林頓承認,一些國家抨擊美國資助的人權組織或對這些組織採取法律行動,這些國家聲稱這些組織代表著不可接受的外國干預。

  •   Most notably, Egyptian authorities in December charged 16 Americans involved with international pro-democracy organizations with stoking unrest and receiving illegal foreign funds.
  • 最引人注目的是,埃及當局去年 12 月控告參與國際爭取民主組織活動的 16 名美國人煽動騷亂以及接受非法外國資金。

  •   Though she said many countries that are making transitions to democracy have "legitimate questions" about these organizations, Clinton said that such groups are not aimed at creating unrest, but are essential for sustaining democracy.
  • 克林頓說,正在向民主過渡的很多國家對這些組織提出合理的質疑,但她表示,這些組織並不是要製造動亂,它們對維持民主是不可或缺的。

EPT 美語
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