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六月份 第 11 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2010-06-15) ------

  • Obama to Deliver Critical Oval Office Speech on Gulf Oil Spill
  • 歐巴馬將在橢圓形辦公室發表海灣漏油重要講話
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama is continuing a tour of the Gulf Coast region Tuesday, before delivering a nationally televised address on the government's plans to deal with a massive oil spill there.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬星期二繼續在墨西哥灣訪問;隨後,他將就政府計劃如何處理海灣地區大規模漏油發表全國電視講話。

  •   The speech will be his first from the Oval Office.
  • 這將是他在白宮橢圓形辦公室的首次演講。

  •   The president will deliver the address hours after he returns to Washington from Florida, where beaches are beginning to see signs of oil that continues to gush from a ruptured deepwater well for a 57th day.
  • 歐巴馬將在從佛羅里達州返回後幾小時發表講話;佛羅里達州海灘已經開始顯現漏油的跡象;漏油從破裂的深海油井中持續噴發,目前已經進入第 57 天。

  •   A White House spokesman says Mr. Obama also will discuss the administration's plans to speed up the handling of oil spill damage claims to those affected by the crisis.
  • 一名白宮發言人說,歐巴馬還將討論政府加快處理受災群眾索賠申訴的計劃。

  •   Meanwhile, executives from the BP oil company will appear Tuesday before a congressional panel, where they will begin three days of questioning about their operation of the damaged oil well.
  • 與此同時,英國石油公司高層星期二將在一個國會小組聽證會上作證,開始接受為期三天有關受損油井操作的質詢。

  •   Two U.S. lawmakers set to question BP chief Tony Hayward say they have "serious questions" about documents that indicate BP took risks to cut costs in digging the well.
  • 兩名計劃質詢英國石油執行總裁唐熙華的美國國會議員說,他們掌握的文件顯示,英國石油公司為降低鑽井成本而冒險操作,他們將就此對英國石油公司提出“嚴厲質問”。


  • (2010-06-15) ------

  • American Hunting bin Laden Detained in Pakistan
  • 追殺賓拉登的美國人在巴基斯坦被拘禁
  •   Police in northern Pakistan say they have arrested an American who said he was on a solo mission to kill al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.
  • 巴基斯坦北部的警方說,他們逮捕了一名美國人;此人自稱在單獨執行刺殺基地組織首腦本拉登的任務。

  •   Authorities say they found the man armed with a handgun, a sword, a dagger and night vision equipment in the Chitral region near the Afghan border.
  • 有關當局說,他們在靠近阿富汗邊境的吉德拉爾地區發現這名男子,當時他身上帶有一把手槍、一把刀,一把匕首和夜視裝備。

  •   Police say the man was trying to cross into Afghanistan's Nuristan region because he told them that bin Laden was hiding there.
  • 警方說,這名男子企圖越境進入阿富汗的紐扭斯坦地區,因為他告訴他們說,賓拉丹藏在那裏。

  •   Authorities in Chitral have identified the man as Gary Faulkner, a construction worker from California.
  • 吉德拉爾當局已經確定這名男子的身份,他名叫福克納,是美國加州的一名建築工人。

  •   They say he arrived in Chitral on June 3 and was staying at a local hotel.
  • 他們說,福克納 6 月 3 日抵達吉德拉爾,並在當地酒店下榻。

  •   Officials there had assigned him a security guard, a step that is quite common for foreigners in remote parts of Pakistan.
  • 那裏的官員為他指派了一名警衛,這種保護措施對在巴基斯坦偏遠地區的外國人來說是相當普遍的。

  •   Pakistani authorities began searching for Faulkner when the guard noticed that he had disappeared.
  • 在警衛發現福克納不見後,巴基斯坦當局開始搜尋他。

  •   Afghanistan's Nuristan region and Pakistan's Chitral region are among several rumored hiding spots for the al-Qaida leader.
  • 阿富汗的努里斯坦地區和巴基斯坦的吉德拉爾地區據傳是基地組織領導人賓拉登的幾個藏身地點中的兩處。


EPT 美語
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