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十一月份 第 04 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-11-05)------

  • China Rejects US Pressure on Carbon Emission Cuts
  • 中國反對美方對發展中國家提出減排計劃
  •   China says it opposes the U.S. position that developing nations should commit to emissions cuts at next month's climate talks in Copenhagen.
  • 中國方面表示反對美國要求發展中國家削減溫室效應氣體排放量的立場。這是美國在下個月哥本哈根會談上將採取的立場。

  •   Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu says it is the responsibility of developed countries to take the lead in reducing emissions.
  • 中國外交部發言人馬朝旭表示,發達國家有義務在降低廢氣排放量方面起主導作用。

  •   Ma says China also believes that developed countries, such as the United States, should provide capital, technology and building capacity to developing nations.
  • 馬朝旭還說,中國也認為發達國家,例如美國,應當向發展中國家提供資金、技術和建設能力方面的支援。

  •   Ma added, however, that China has a "very serious" attitude toward climate change.
  • 但是他補充說,中國對於氣候變化持非常嚴肅認真的態度。

  •   On Wednesday, U.S. climate change envoy Todd Stern told lawmakers the United States will not agree to targets on climate change unless developing countries, especially China, make similar moves.
  • 星期三,斯特恩告訴議員們美國不同意氣候變化的減排目標,除非發展中國家,尤其是中國,也採取類似的行動。

  •   The U.S. Congress is currently debating a bill aimed at reducing emissions.
  • 美國國會成員正在就一個減排議案進行討論。

  •   The divide between developed and developing nations has long been a stumbling block to talks on how to address climate change.
  • 發達國家和發展中國家之間的分歧一直是如何處理氣候變化會談中的絆腳石。


  • (2009-11-05)------

  • UN to Relocate Many Staff Members After Afghan Attack
  • 聯合國在阿富汗襲擊後重新安置其工作人員
  •   The United Nations says it will temporarily relocate more than half of its 1,100 international staff members in Afghanistan, following a deadly Taliban attack on a facility for U.N. workers.
  • 聯合國表示他們已經決定將其 1100 名國際工作人員中一半以上的人暫時調離,此前塔利班對聯合國工作人員的一個設施發動了一次致命襲擊。

  •   The head of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan, Kai Eide, says officials have begun the process of moving at least 600 staff members to more secure locations inside and outside the country.
  • 聯合國阿富汗事務特使艾德表示,有關人員已經開始進行轉移至少 600 名工作人員的程序,其中一部分人將轉移到阿富汗國內更安全的地方,其餘人員將撤離阿富汗。

  •   Eide says the United Nations is not talking about pulling out of Afghanistan.
  • 艾德表示,聯合國此舉並不是要撤離阿富汗。

  •   He says it is just looking after the safety of its workers while ensuring its operations in the country can continue.
  • 他說,這是為了保證其工作人員的安全,而與此同時保證在阿富汗的行動能夠繼續進行。

  •   Last week, Taliban gunmen killed five U.N. workers in an attack on an international guest house in the capital, Kabul.
  • 上個星期,塔利班槍手在首都喀布爾的一所國際賓館發動襲擊,槍殺五名聯合國工作人員。

  •   The Taliban said it was targeting U.N. employees working on the recent Afghan presidential election.
  • 塔利班份子說,他們的襲擊目標是為阿富汗最近總統大選工作的聯合國人員。

EPT 美語
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