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十一月份 第 04 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]

  • (2010-11-04)------

  • Investigators Seek Cause of Qantas In-Air Engine Failure
  • 調查人員尋找澳航客機引擎空中失靈原因
  •   Air safety officials have begun investigating why an engine failed on one of Australia's Qantas Airlines jumbo jets on Thursday, forcing it to make an emergency landing in Singapore.
  • 航空安全官員開始調查澳大利亞航空公司一架巨型噴氣式客機的引擎星期四失靈的原因,這次事故迫使該飛機在新加坡緊急迫降。

  •   Qantas grounded its fleet of six Airbus A-380s after one of the four engines on one of the planes failed shortly after taking off on a flight to Sydney.
  • 澳大利亞航空公司決定停飛其所有六架 A-380 型空中客機;之前,其中一架從新加坡飛往雪梨的飛機四個引擎中的一個在起飛後不久出現故障。

  •   The airliner -- the world's largest passenger plane -- returned to Singapore safely 90 minutes later, after the pilot dumped fuel to lighten its weight.
  • 這架飛機 90 分鐘後安全返回新加坡,其間飛行員卸掉了機上的燃油以減輕飛機的重量;空中客機是世界上最大的客機。

  •   Qantas said no one was injured among the 459 passengers and crew on board.
  • 澳航說,機上 459 名乘客和機組人員無人受傷。

  •   Passengers describe hearing a loud explosion, then seeing flames shooting out of the damaged engine, which was on the left wing closest to the fuselage.
  • 乘客描述說,他們聽到一聲巨大的爆炸聲,然後看見火焰從受損的引擎裏冒出來,這個引擎位於最靠近機身的左翼上。

  •   Photos of the plane after it landed showed the scorched and blackened engine with the cover partially blown off.
  • 飛機迫降後拍攝的照片顯示了被燒黑而且部分引擎罩被吹走的引擎。


  • (2010-11-04)------

  • Chinese President Begins State Visit to France
  • 胡錦濤開始對法國進行國事訪問
  •   Chinese President Hu Jintao has landed in Paris for a three-day state visit expected to seal multi-billion-dollar trade deals between China and France.
  • 中國國家主席胡錦濤已經抵達巴黎,進行為期三天的國事訪問;預計在這次訪問期間,中法兩國將簽署數十億美元的貿易交易。

  •   Mr. Hu was greeted by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy as he arrived at Orly airport Thursday with a red-carpet welcome and full military honors.
  • 胡錦濤星期四抵達奧利機場時受到法國總統薩科齊及第一夫人卡拉‧布魯尼-薩科齊的迎接,並受到紅地毯和全套軍禮的待遇。

  •   Mr. Sarkozy said ahead of Mr. Hu's arrival that China should not be seen as a risk, but as "an opportunity."
  • 薩科齊在胡錦濤抵達前曾說,中國不應該被看成是一個危險,而應該被看成是“一個機會”。

  •   Reports say the countries will sign billions of dollars in contracts, including the sale to China of Airbus aircraft and nuclear energy deals.
  • 報道稱,兩國將簽署數十億美元計的合同,其中包括向中國出售空中客機和核能源的交易。

  •   Activists have complained that Mr. Sarkozy has not placed human rights on the agenda for the visit.
  • 人權活動人士指責薩科齊沒有將人權問題列入此次訪問的議程。

  •   The France visit is the first foreign trip for Mr. Hu since this year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to jailed pro-democracy campaigner Liu Xiaobo last month.
  • 這是諾貝爾和平獎上月頒發給被監禁的中國民主活動人士劉曉波之後胡錦濤的首次出訪。

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