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EPT 美語
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第十三部 第十一課: cushy , legit

  • Larry 和李華在談一位最近剛找到工作的朋友。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:cushylegit
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Hey, Li Hua, did you hear about Kelsey? She just got a cushy new job.
  • A "cushy" job? 我知道 Kelsey 最近找到了新工作,可是,什麼是 cushy job?是不是說她找到了很理想的工作啊?
  • Oh, yeah. A "cushy" job a cushy job is one that isn't hard to do and has lots of benefits. A cushy job is soft and has a lot of padding like a cushion.
  • 我懂了,cushy 就是從 cushion 軟墊子這個詞來的。所以 cushy job,就是很舒服的工作,就是錢多事少的好差事兒。Larry 啊,趕快告訴我,Kelsey 的工作到底是什麼性質,為什麼能夠這麼 cushy?
  • Well, she'll be working as an interpreter for a local businessman who does a lot of work with Chinese companies. Her salary is very high, she'll get to travel regularly to China, and her other benefits are good, too.
  • 哇~,幫美國商人做翻譯,不但薪水高,還有機會到中國出差啊。真好!Kelsey 的中文很好,個性又活潑,我想這個工作啊,對她來說應該不難。真是一個 cushy job!
  • Doesn't it make you want to find a new job, Li Hua? Being a teaching assistant isn't the cushiest job.
  • 就是啊,當助教啊,一點也不舒服,每星期我得花很多時間備課、和學生面談、上課、批改作業,但是助教的薪水啊,卻少的可憐。It isn't a cushy job at all.
  • But you know, the teaching assistant job gives you valuable experience, and maybe some day you will have a cushy job as a Chinese professor at a major university.
  • 我也希望如此囉。希望啊我這個助教工作能夠為我將來到名牌大學當教授打下個基礎,那可就是個 cushy job 了。Larry,那你呢?你希不希望你的暑期工作也是個舒服的好工作呢?
  • Well, it isn't hard to do, but I am hardly being paid anything, so I don't think you can call it a cushy job.
  • 喔~,工作雖不難,可是工資微薄啊。那沒什麼意思哦。那你想找個新工作嗎?你可以去問問 Kelsey 她是怎麼找到的啊,沒準啊那公司還要人呢!
  • Yeah, I am going to talk to Kelsey. Maybe she has some good advice for me.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Well, Li Hua, I talked more to Kelsey about her new job, and now I am a little concerned that it isn't legit.
  • 啊~,你說,Kelsey 的工作怎麼樣?什麼是 legit?
  • Legit. It's short for legitimate. I am afraid Kelsey's new job may not be legitimate.
  • 哦~,legit 就是合法的意思,是 legitimate 這個詞的簡化。你是說你擔心 Kelsey 找到的工作不合法?為什麼呢?
  • Kelsey told me she hasn't actually started her job yet, and she had her interview in a coffee shop.
  • 嗯~,在咖啡廳裏面談,這也不奇怪啊,很多公司覺得在辦公室外面談比較放鬆一點嘛。
  • But, I tried to look up the company name in the phone book and couldn't find it. If a company is legit, it should have a listing in the phone book.
  • 那倒也是喔。你在電話本裏找不到這公司的名字?一個合法的公司啊應該在電話本裏有它的名字呀。或許是你把公司的名字拼錯囉?
  • I am pretty sure that I got it right. The more I think about the job it seems too good to be true.
  • Larry,我知道你是為 Kelsey 擔心,不過 Kelsey 很聰明,這個工作啊到底合不合法,我想啊她自己心裏應該很明白。
  • I guess you're right. Maybe it is my concerns that aren't legit.
  • 不過啊,話說回來,Larry,你替好朋友擔心,這也是很正常的啊。
  • Well, that's true. I should stop worrying about Kelsey.
  • 好啦好啦,現在啊什麼都別擔心了,我們一起去吃冰淇淋好不好?
  • Now, that is a business we KNOW is legit!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。第一個是 cushy。這是形容很軟、很舒服的意思,用來形容一個工作,就是很輕鬆、很容易的工作。另一個常用語是 legit。就是合法、正確的意思。
EPT 美語
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