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2025.02.15 14:01
一月份 第 01 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [14][13][12][11][09][08][07]
- (2010-01-01) ------
- New Year Brings Creation Of Asian Trading Block
- 亞洲貿易集團新年締結
- The new year marks the beginning of one of the world's largest free trade areas.
- 世界最大的自由貿易區之一在新年創建。
- On Friday, the six founding members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China began implementing an agreement that removes tariffs on 90 percent of imported and exported goods and commodities.
- 星期五,六個東南亞國家聯盟的創辦國和中國開始執行一項協議,移除對進出口商品和貨品徵收關稅的 90 %。
- Formally known as the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, the new trading block covers China and the nations of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
- 被稱做 "中國-東盟自由貿易區" 的新貿易集團包括中國、文萊、印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡和泰國。
- Some 1.9 billion people reside in the block's member states, making it the world's largest in terms of population.
- 這些國家總共有大約 19 億人,使之在人口上成為最大的貿易團體。
- The amount of trade between China and ASEAN members is expected to be about $200 billion.
- 中國和東盟成員國之間的貿易額預計為 2000 億美元左右。
- The initial free trade agreement was signed in 2002. ASEAN's newer members -- Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam -- will gradually come under the agreement over the next five years.
- 最初的自由貿易協定在 2002 年簽署;東盟的新成員緬甸、柬埔寨、寮國(老撾) 和越南將在今後五年中逐漸被納入協議中。
- (2010-01-01) ------
- Pope Calls for Peace, Tolerance in 2010
- 教皇呼籲 2010 年要和平與包容
- Pope Benedict urged the world's Catholics to practice peace and tolerance during 2010 in his traditional New Year's message.
- 羅馬教皇本篤在他的傳統新年講話上呼籲世界天主教徒在 2010 年要和平與包容。
- Speaking during Mass at St. Peter's Basilica, and later to a large crowd gathered in Vatican City for his blessing.
- 星期五,這位羅馬天主教領袖先在聖彼得大教堂發表演講,之後向聚集在梵蒂岡城接受他祝福的人發表講話。
- The pope said all people of the world deserve respect, regardless of their "skin color, nationality, language [or] religion."
- 他說,全世界無論「膚色、國籍、語言和宗教」的人都值得尊重。
- Benedict said children should learn tolerance at a young age, because the world's cities are becoming increasingly diverse.
- 他說,世界的城市變得越來越多樣化,兒童應該在幼年時學會包容。
- The Roman Catholic Church leader also spoke out against violence and war, and renewed his call for ecological awareness.
- 教皇本篤還反對暴力和戰爭,並繼續呼籲人們應具備生態意識。
- He said respect for humanity, which comes from practicing peace and tolerance, should be linked to respect for the Earth's endangered environment.
- 他說對人性的尊重來自於和平與包容,這一點應該和對地球岌岌可危的環境的尊重聯繫起來。