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2025.02.15 15:40
一月份 第 01 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [14][13][12][11][10][08][07]
- (2009-01-01) ------
- US, China Mark 30 Years of Diplomatic Relations
- 美中紀念建交三十年
- China and the United States today (Thursday) are marking the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations.
- 中國和美國紀念建立外交關係 30 年週年。
- U.S. President George Bush and his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, have exchanged congratulations and pledged to work together to advance peace, stability and prosperity.
- 美國總統布希和中國國家主席胡錦濤彼此祝賀,並保證將共同努力促進和平、穩定和繁榮。
- Mr. Bush noted in a letter to the Chinese president that the Chinese and U.S. governments have cooperated in recent years in addressing global challenges such as terrorism, pandemic disease and the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
- 布希總統在致胡錦濤主席的信函中強調,中國和美國的政府最近這些年在像應對恐怖主義、大規模流行病以及核武器擴散等全球挑戰方面相互合作。
- Mr. Hu said China is willing to further strengthen dialogue and exchanges with the United States.
- 胡錦濤說,中國願意加強與美國的對話和交流。
- Washington transferred diplomatic recognition from Chinese nationalists in Taiwan to communist-ruled China on January 1, 1979.
- 華盛頓於 1979 年 1 月 1 號在外交上轉而承認共產黨執政的中國,不再承認在台灣的國民黨政府。
- (2009-01-01) ------
- Obama Set for Weekend Move to Washington
- 歐巴馬定於週末搬遷華盛頓
- U.S. President-elect Barack Obama and his family will move to Washington, D.C., this weekend after wrapping up their vacation in Hawaii today (Thursday).
- 美國當選總統歐巴馬及其一家於星期四結束在夏威夷的假期後,將在本週末搬遷到華盛頓。
- The Obama family will settle into an exclusive hotel near the White House in time for the couple's daughters, Malia and Sasha, to begin classes at a private school on Monday.
- 歐巴馬一家將在靠近白宮的一個專用旅館住下,以便及時讓他們的女兒星期一開始在一傢私立學校上課。
- The family will stay at the historic Hay Adams hotel. Incoming U.S. presidents who are waiting to be sworn into office often stay at the Blair House, the official guest residence of the White House.
- 歐巴馬一家將入住歷史悠久的海‧亞當斯飯店;等待宣誓就任的美國新總統通常住在白宮的正式賓館 -- 布萊爾國賓館。
- But the Bush administration says the guest house is booked until January 15th, five days before Mr. Obama is sworn into office.
- 但是布希政府說,這家賓館的房間被訂滿,一直到 1 月 15 號、也就是歐巴馬宣誓就任總統的 5 天前才有空房間。
- The president-elect will be in Washington in time for a new Congress to be sworn in on Tuesday and for a White House luncheon on Wednesday with President George Bush and former U.S. presidents.
- 這位當選總統將在新一屆國會星期二開會前抵達華盛頓,他還將在星期三與布希總統和幾位前美國總統在白宮共進午餐。