現在線上人數 110人
2025.02.15 15:01
一月份 第 01 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [14][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2013-01-02) ------
- Global Markets Higher As US Averts Fiscal Cliff
- 美國暫避財政懸崖 全球股市積極反應
- World markets are opening 2013 on a high note, after the U.S. Congress reached a deal to end the so-called "fiscal cliff" crisis that threatened to send the world's largest economy into recession.
- 美國國會達成協議,避免了可能讓世界最大經濟體美國陷入經濟衰退的財政懸崖,世界各地股市 2013 年開市第一天普遍上揚。
- Asian stock markets welcomed the development in the first trading of the new year, with Hong Kong jumping 2.9 percent, Sydney gaining 1.2 percent, and Seoul adding 1.7 percent.
- 亞洲股市在新年第一天的交易中對來自美國的這項進展表示歡迎,香港恒生指數攀升了百分之 2.9,雪梨和首爾股市分別上漲了百分之 1.2 和百分之 1.7。
- Markets in Japan and China were closed for public holidays.
- 日本和中國股市因節日而休市。
- Early trading also surged in Europe. Britain's FTSE 100 rose 1.8 percent, while Germany's DAX 30 and Paris' CAC 40 indexes both jumped 1.9 percent in morning deals.
- 歐洲股市開市初期也大幅攀升;英國富時 100 指數上升了百分之 1.8,德國 DAX 30 指數和巴黎 CAC 40 指數在上午的交易中都上漲了百分之 1.9。
- Late Tuesday, the House of Representatives cleared a deal to avoid $500 billion in spending cuts and tax increases, endings weeks of quarreling that had overshadowed global markets.
- 星期二晚上,美國國會眾議院通過了議案,避免了 5 千億美元的削減開支計劃和增稅計劃,從而終止了幾個星期以來一直陰影籠罩著全球股市的美國財政爭辯。
- Observers say the deal will provide short-term certainty, but will not do much to address investor concerns about the future.
- 觀察人士說,協議的達成只能提供短期保證,但並不太能解決投資者的未來擔憂。
- (2013-01-02) ------
- 60 Killed in Ivory Coast Stampede
- 科特迪瓦發生踩踏事件 60 人喪生
- Officials in Ivory Coast say at least 60 people were crushed to death during a stampede at a New Year's celebration in Abidjan.
- 科特迪瓦官員說,在阿比讓舉行的新年慶祝活動中發生踩踏事件,造成至少 60 人死亡。
- Rescue workers say about 50 others were injured in the incident early Tuesday near a stadium in the Plateau district, where hundreds of thousands of people had gathered to watch fireworks.
- 救援人員說,星期二清晨發生在普拉圖城區一座體育館附近的這起事故還造成大約 50 人受傷,當時數十萬人聚集在一起觀看焰火。
- Most of those killed were children and teenagers.
- 大多數死者是兒童和少年。
- The government says it is investigating what caused the stampede.
- 科特迪瓦政府說,目前正在調查造成踩踏事件的原因。
- President Alassane Ouattara calls it a national tragedy.
- 瓦塔拉總統說,這是一場全國性悲劇。
- One Ivorian journalist tells VOA that two large waves of people, moving in opposite directions, bumped into each other on a narrow street.
- 一位科特迪瓦記者對美國之音說,當時向相反方向移動的兩股人流在一條狹窄的街道上發生衝撞。
- Another witness tells VOA that law enforcement blocked an exit in the area, which kept the crowd from moving.
- 另一名目擊者對美國之音說,執法人員封鎖了該地區的出口,致使人群動彈不得。