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2025.01.15 00:36
三月份 第 01 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]
- (2009-03-02) ------
- Chinese Bidder Will Not Pay for Looted Chinese Bronzes
- 中國出價人將不支付被掠劫中國銅像
- A Chinese man says he was the winning bidder for two bronze sculptures at a Paris auction last week, but he has no intention of paying for the items.
- 一名中國男子表示,他就是上星期在巴黎拍賣會上拍得兩件圓明園銅像的人,但是他不想為這兩件文物付款。
- Cai Mingchao, an adviser to a foundation in China that seeks to retrieve looted treasures, told reporters in Beijing Monday that his winning bid of $20 million for each of the sculptures was a patriotic act.
- 蔡銘超是中國一個找回被掠奪文物基金會的顧問;他星期一在北京對記者說,他以每件文物兩千萬美元的投標價贏得拍賣是愛國行為。
- Christie's auction house said it was aware of Cai's remarks, but as a matter of policy would not comment on the identity of the buyer or the next steps it might take in this case.
- 佳士得拍賣公司說,該公司已經得知蔡銘超的言論,但出於政策考慮,不會對買主的身份以及公司今後對此事採取得步驟發表評論。
- The sculptures were among 12 zodiac animal heads taken when French and British troops razed and looted Beijing's imperial Summer Palace buildings in 1860 at the end of the second Opium War. Only five have been returned to China.
- 第二次鴉片戰爭 1860 年結束時,英法聯軍燒燬並洗劫了北京皇家夏宮的的圓明園,12 件生肖獸首也被掠走,包括巴黎拍賣的那兩件;目前只有五件歸還了中國。
- (2009-03-02) ------
- Advocacy Group Accuses Chinese Security of Locking Down Monks
- 人權組織指責中國安全部隊拘禁僧侶
- A Washington-based advocacy group says Chinese authorities have surrounded a monastery in Sichuan province, where hundreds of Tibetan monks marched in defiance of Chinese rule.
- 一個總部設在華盛頓的人權組織說,中國當局包圍了四川省一座寺院,當地數百名藏族僧侶舉行反對中國統治的遊行。
- The International Campaign for Tibet says the monks are likely under lock down, following their protest in the town of Ngaba (Chinese: Aba) Sunday.
- 國際聲援西藏運動說,在這些僧侶星期天在阿壩鎮舉行抗議之後,他們很可能受到拘禁。
- The group's sources in Sichuan say Buddhist monks from the Sey monastery demonstrated after Chinese authorities barred them from observing a traditional prayer festival.
- 該組織在四川的消息來源說,在中國當局禁止賽格寺的僧侶舉行傳統的祈禱活動後,他們舉行示威。
- In the same town Friday, a Tibetan monk set himself on fire while holding the banned Tibetan flag and a picture of the Dalai Lama, Tibet's exiled spiritual leader.
- 上星期五,阿壩鎮的一名藏族僧侶舉著一面被禁止的西藏旗幟和一幅西藏流亡精神領袖達賴喇嘛的畫像自焚。
- Activist groups say police shot the monk while he was burning, but state media say authorities rejected the charge.
- 人權組織說,警方朝這名自焚的僧侶開槍;但中國官方媒體說,有關當局否認這一指稱。