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2025.02.15 15:13
十月份 第 02 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2012-10-03)------
- Syrian Conflict Draws in Assad Ally Hezbollah, Widens His Rift with Hamas
- 阿薩德盟友真主黨加入敘內戰 與哈馬斯分歧擴大
- Syria's civil war appears to be drawing in Lebanese Hezbollah militants allied to President Bashar al-Assad while at the same time widening a rift between the Syrian leader and his former Palestinian militant allies Hamas.
- 敘利亞總統阿薩德的盟友黎巴嫩真主黨激進分子看來正在加入敘利亞的內戰;與此同時,阿薩德與他過去的盟友巴勒斯坦激進組織哈馬斯的分歧正在擴大。
- In reports published Tuesday, Western news agencies quote Lebanese sources and Syrian activists as saying that a senior Hezbollah commander and two other Hezbollah fighters have been killed near the Syrian town of Qusair, bordering northern Lebanon.
- 西方媒體星期二引用黎巴嫩消息人士和敘利亞活動人士的話說,一名真主黨頭目和兩名戰士在靠近黎巴嫩北部的敘利亞城鎮庫薩爾被打死。
- The reports say the three Hezbollah men were killed in a Syrian rebel ambush on Saturday or Sunday.
- 報導說,這三名真主黨成員上個周末在敘利亞反政府力量的伏擊中喪生。
- Syrian rebels have accused Hezbollah of helping President Assad to fight an 18-month uprising against his autocratic rule.
- 敘利亞反政府力量曾指責真主黨幫助阿薩德總統鎮壓為反對專制統治而進行了一年半的起義。
- The Lebanese militant group has maintained strong political support for the Syrian president during the conflict but has not admitted to any military activity inside Syria.
- 在這場內戰中,黎巴嫩真主黨一直在政治上堅定支持敘利亞總統,但沒有承認過在敘利亞參與軍事行動。
- Hezbollah identified the slain Hezbollah commander as Ali Hussein Nassif. It said he and the other militants were killed while engaging in jihad duties but did not disclose the location.
- 真主黨已經確認了喪生的這名指揮官是納西夫,稱這三名成員在聖戰中陣亡,但沒有透露他們戰死的地點。
- Hezbollah's al-Manar television network broadcast the funerals of the fighters in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley on Tuesday.
- 真主黨的電視台星期二報導了在貝卡山谷為他們舉行的葬禮。
- In another development, Syrian state television has made a scathing verbal attack on Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal, a former ally of Mr. Assad.
- 另一方面,敘利亞國家電視台尖銳批評阿薩德過去的盟友哈馬斯領導人梅沙爾。
- In an editorial broadcast late Monday, the network accused Mashaal of turning his back on the Syrian government and betraying the Palestinian cause.
- 這家電視台在星期一播放的社論中指責梅沙爾背棄敘利亞政府,背叛巴勒斯坦的事業。
- The commentary appeared to be a reaction to Mashaal's appearance at an Ankara conference organized by Turkey's ruling party on Sunday.
- 這篇評論看來是回應梅沙爾星期天出席土耳其執政黨在安卡拉主辦的一個會議。
- Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been one of President Assad's strongest critics in the region.
- 土耳其總理埃爾多安是阿薩德在該地區最主要的批評者之一。