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2025.02.15 14:58
十月份 第 03 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2006-10-04)------
- Solana Says Iran Has Made No Pledge to Suspend Sensitive Nuclear Work
- 索拉納稱伊朗未做出暫停敏感核活動承諾
- European Union foreign policy chief Solana says Iran has made no commitment to suspend uranium enrichment, as demanded by the United Nations Security Council.
- 歐盟外交政策主管索拉納說,伊朗沒有按照聯合國安理會的要求,承諾暫停鈾濃縮活動。
- Speaking in Brussels Wednesday, Solana said his dialogue with Iran on its nuclear program cannot last forever. He said it is up to Iran to decide whether the time for dialogue has come to an end.
- 索拉納星期三在布魯塞爾表示,他和伊朗有關其核項目的對話不能永遠進行下去.他說,應當由伊朗決定對話的時間是否結束了。
- U.S. and British officials warned Iran Tuesday that it could soon face sanctions if it refuses to suspend enrichment.
- 美國和英國官員星期二警告說,如果伊朗拒絕暫停鈾濃縮活動,將很快面臨制裁。
- (2006-10-04)------
- China, South Korea and Japan to Meet on Nuclear-Test Issue
- 中韓日將會晤討論核子試驗問題
- The leaders of China, South Korea and Japan will meet next week as global concern mounts over North Korea's nuclear ambitions.
- 在全球對北韓核野心關注加劇之際,中、韓、日三國領導人下星期將舉行會晤。
- Japan's new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, will travel to the Chinese capital Sunday, then to South Korea Monday for the first visits there by a Japanese leader in five years.
- 日本新首相安倍晉三星期天前往中國首都,下星期一前往首爾,進行日本領導人5年來對南韓的首次訪問。
- In addition to Mr. Abe's talks in Seoul next week, a South Korean government spokesman says President Roh Moo-hyun will meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing on October 13th.
- 南韓政府發言人說,除了安倍晉三下周在首爾會談外,盧武鉉10月13號還要在北京會晤中國國家主席胡錦濤。
- These rounds of talks are expected to take up the question of North Korea's nuclear ambitions.
- 這些會談預計都將討論北韓的核野心問題。
- Japan, South Korea and China are members of an international diplomatic group working to convince North Korea to give up its nuclear plans.
- 日本、南韓和中國都是一個力爭說服北韓放棄其核計劃的國際外交小組(六方會談)的參加國。