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2025.01.15 01:08
十月份 第 03 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-10-03)------
- US, Japan Strengthen Security Alliance
- 美日加強安全聯盟
- The United States will station a new missile defense radar in Japan and deploy surveillance drones in the Pacific under a deal reached by top U.S. and Japanese officials.
- 按照美日兩國高層官員達成的協議,美國將在日本部署一種新式導彈防禦雷達,並將在太平洋地區部署無人偵察機。
- The moves are part of renewed mutual defense guidelines signed Thursday by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel, and their Japanese counterparts in Tokyo.
- 美國國務卿克里、國防部長哈格爾、日本外務大臣岸田文雄和防衛大臣小野寺五典星期四在東京簽署了安保防禦指南,上述步驟是這項文件的部份內容。
- Under the deal, the U.S. will deploy long-range, Global Hawk reconnaissance drones to help monitor maritime activities in the Pacific, where Japan is involved in a territorial dispute with China.
- 按照這項協議,美國將部署遠端 “全球鷹” 無人偵察機,協助監視太平洋海域的海事活動;日本與中國在太平洋有領土爭端。
- The U.S. will also place an X-band radar system at Kyogamisaki air base on Japan's West coast over the next year to counter the threat of North Korean missiles.
- 在未來一年期間,美國還將在日本西海岸的一個空軍基地部署 X 波段雷達系統,以應對來自朝鮮的導彈威脅。
- In addition, the deal formalized a decision to relocate 5,000 U.S. Marines from Okinawa to other areas in the Pacific.
- 此外,該協議最終敲定將 5 千名美國海軍陸戰隊員從沖繩移至太平洋其他地點。
- It stated that Japan will pay a third of the cost of the relocation effort.
- 協議規定,日本將支付轉移基地所需開支的三分之一。
- (2013-10-03)------
- U.S. Shutdown Enters Third Day
- 美國聯邦政府關閉進入第三天
- A partial U.S. government shutdown has entered its third day Thursday with no end to the deadlock in sight.
- 星期四,美國聯邦政府部份關閉進入第三天,目前仍看不到化解僵局的跡象。
- U.S. congressional leaders met for about an hour late Wednesday with President Barack Obama, but they emerged from the closed-door session with no progress on the budget impasse that triggered the shutdown.
- 美國國會領袖們星期三夜間與歐巴馬總統進行了一小時左右的會談,但這次閉門會議未能就打破導致政府關閉的預算案僵局取得任何進展。
- House Speaker John Boehner said President Obama told him he will not negotiate a deal to reopen the government.
- 美國國會眾議院議長貝納說,歐巴馬總統表示不會就恢復政府運作進行談判。
- Republican Boehner said he told the president he wants a discussion of what he called the "fairness" of Mr. Obama's signature health care program, the Affordable Care Act.
- 共和黨人貝納說,他告訴歐巴馬總統,他希望就歐巴馬醫保法案的 “公正性” 進行討論。
- Republicans have wanted to tie funding the government to a delay or defunding of the health care program.
- 共和黨人希望通過限制對聯邦政府的撥款,延遲實施醫保法案或不提供實施醫保法案所必需的資金。
- Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid said Democrats are happy to talk to the Republicans about anything they want, but only if a spending bill is passed and the government shutdown ends.
- 參議院民主黨領袖里德說,民主黨人非常願意與共和黨人就任何議題進行談判,但必須首先通過開支預演算法案,結束政府關閉的狀態。
- The White House called Wednesday's meeting useful and said the president is glad it took place.
- 白宮說,星期三的會談是有益的,並表示歐巴馬樂見其成。
- But before the talks, Mr. Obama told CNBC television he has "bent over backwards" to work with the Republicans.
- 但舉行會談之前,歐巴馬在 CNBC 電視頻道上說,他一直在竭盡所能地與共和黨人合作。
- He said he is exasperated, calling the government shutdown totally unnecessary.
- 歐巴馬說,他感到憤慨,因為這次關閉政府是毫無必要的。