現在線上人數 125人
2025.02.15 16:07
十月份 第 05 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-10-07)------
- Typhoon Hits China
- 颱風吹襲中國
- Chinese authorities say a powerful typhoon has made landfall in the eastern province of Fujian, forcing evacuations, cutting power, destroying homes and causing the shutdown of rail and air transportation.
- 中國當局說,一場猛烈的颱風在福建登陸,當地居民撤離,供電中斷,房屋被摧毀,鐵路和空中運輸服務停頓。
- China's National Meteorological Center says Typhoon Fitow struck Fuding city early Monday with winds of 150 kilometers per hour, then quickly slowed before weakening to a tropical storm.
- 中國國家氣象中心說,颱風 “菲特” 星期一清晨侵襲福鼎市,風力為每小時 150 公里,隨後迅速減弱為熱帶風暴。
- Authorities evacuated more than half a million people, while the storm dumped more than 200 millimeters of rain on the region.
- 當局疏散了 50 多萬居民,這場風暴給當地帶來 2 百多毫米的降雨。
- Forecasters say Fitow will continue to move northwestward, but will weaken quickly.
- 天氣預報說,“菲特” 將繼續向西北方向移動,但風力將迅速減弱。
- (2013-10-07)------
- Airbus Breaks Boeing's Monopoly in Japan
- 空中巴士公司打破波音在日本的壟斷
- Japan Airlines says it is ordering 31 Airbus A350 wide-body jets, in a deal that challenges U.S. aerospace company Boeing's dominance in the country.
- 日本航空公司說,該公司訂購了 31 架空中巴士 A350 廣體客機,這一交易將對美國波音公司在日本民航業的主導地位形成挑戰。
- JAL said Monday it had signed a $9.5 billion purchase agreement for the 31 long-haul planes with an option to buy another 25 aircraft.
- 日航星期一表示,該公司簽署了以 95 億美元購買 31 架空中巴士 A350 客機的協議,並保留另行購買 25 架的選項。
- The deal marks the first time JAL has bought Airbus planes. The new aircraft are expected to come into service beginning in 2019, as the carrier replaces its aging Boeing fleet.
- 這將是日航首次購買空中巴士客機;預計這批客機將於 2019 年開始服役,替代老舊的波音機隊。
- Industry experts say delays in Boeing's deliveries of its new 787 Dreamliner and their grounding in January because of battery failures has cast doubt on Boeing's ability to deliver aircraft on time.
- 工業專家說,由於波音推遲交付新型的 787 夢幻客機以及今年一月夢幻客機由於電池問題而不能起飛,人們對波音能否按時交付這種客機產生了疑問。
- Rival Japanese carrier All Nippon Airways is also studying the feasibility of Airbus planes to replace its aging fleet of Boeing jets.
- 日航的競爭對手全日空公司也在研究以空中巴士替代波音客機的可行性。