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2025.02.19 03:15
十月份 第 15 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-10-21)------
- China Punishes 8 People in Railway Scandal
- 中國處罰與鐵道建築公司醜聞有關的八人
- China's anti-graft authorities have punished eight people in a scandal involving spending at a railway construction company.
- 中國反貪當局懲處了與一家鐵道建築公司開支醜聞有關的八人。
- Officials did not detail Monday what punishment the eight received, but said 57 other people have been criticized and one other sent for prosecution.
- 星期一,中國有關官員沒有詳細說明對這八個人的處罰,但表示另有 57 人受到批評,還有一人被送交檢察機關。
- The China Railway Construction Corporation admitted earlier this year that it spent $135 million on receptions for guests last year, sparking public outrage.
- 中國鐵道建築總公司今年早些時候承認,該公司去年花費 1 億 3 千 5 百萬美元用於待客,使民眾感到憤怒。
- Investigators also found problems with invoices and accounting.
- 調查人員還發現該公司的發票和賬目存在問題。
- A Beijing court gave former railways minister Liu Zhijun a two-year suspended death sentence in July for his role in corruption.
- 今年 7 月,北京一家法院判處被控貪腐的前中國鐵道部長劉志軍死刑,緩刑兩年。
- In China, a suspended death sentence is usually commuted to life in prison.
- 在中國,死緩通常會減為無期徒刑。
- (2013-10-21)------
- Smog Shuts Down Chinese City
- 哈爾濱出現重度霧霾 學校停課機場關閉
- Choking clouds of pollution have virtually shut down the northeastern Chinese city of Harbin, forcing schools to suspend classes, snarling traffic and closing the airport.
- 中國東北城市哈爾濱空氣污染極其嚴重,學校被迫停課,機場關閉,並造成交通堵塞。
- Weather officials said Monday that concentrations of tiny airborne particles considered the most harmful to health were about 40 times higher than safe levels set by the World Health Organization.
- 氣象預報部門官員星期一說,空氣中對人體危害最大的微粒含量超過世界衛生組織設定的安全標準大約 40 倍。
- The official Xinhua news agency blamed the emergency on the first day of the heating being turned on in the city for winter.
- 中國官方的新華社說,星期一是哈爾濱啟動冬季取暖的第一天,因此出現這一緊急狀況。
- Pollution from rapid development and heavy coal use plagues wide areas of China, prompting pledges from the country's leadership to make improvement.
- 經濟高速發展以及大量使用煤在中國廣大地區造成嚴重污染,迫使中國領導層不得不承諾加以改進。
- The government has promised for years to tackle the pollution problem, but has made little progress.
- 多年來,中國政府一直保證要努力解決污染問題,但成效甚微。
- Officials said Monday the heavy smog is expected to continue for 24 hours.
- 中國官員星期一說,預計重度霧霾將持續 24 小時。