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十月份 第 13 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-10-17)------

  • China Investigating Nanjing Mayor for Corruption
  • 南京市長季建業涉嫌違紀接受調查
  •   The mayor of the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing is the latest target in the Communist Party's high-profile crackdown on official corruption.
  • 南京市長季建業成為中國高調反腐的最新目標。

  •   A party statement Thursday said Ji Jianye is under investigation for severe violations of discipline and law, which usually refers to graft.
  • 中共星期四發表聲明說,季建業由於嚴重違紀行為而接受調查,這種說法通常是指貪污受賄。

  •   The statement did not offer details. But the People's Daily, the party's official mouthpiece, said the case may have involved $3.3 million.
  • 聲明中沒有透露任何細節。但中共官方喉舌人民日報說,這起案件可能涉及的金額相當於 330 萬美元。

  •   Several low-level officials and a handful of more senior leaders have been taken down in the anti-graft drive by President Xi Jinping.
  • 在中國國家主席習近平推動的反腐行動中,一些中高層官員落馬。

  •   Such investigations against government officials usually last several months. In almost every case, they end with the accused being found guilty.
  • 針對政府官員的調查通常要持續幾個月。幾乎在所有案件中,涉案官員都被判定有罪。

  •   President Xi has warned that failure to deal with widespread corruption within party ranks could mean the downfall of its grip on power.
  • 習近平曾經警告說,如果不解決黨內廣泛存在的腐敗問題,中共就可能喪失政權。


  • (2013-10-17)------

  • Obama Signs Bill to End U.S. Government Shutdown
  • 歐巴馬總統簽署重開政府及提高債務上限法案
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama has signed into law a last-minute compromise bill to reopen the federal government and raise the debt ceiling to avoid a potential U.S. debt default.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬簽署了國會參眾兩院在最後一刻通過的有關結束政府關閉以及提高舉債上限以避免債務違約的妥協性法案。

  •   The president signed the bill early Thursday morning, after a flurry of activity on Capitol Hill Wednesday.
  • 歐巴馬於星期四淩晨簽署了這項法案;國會議員們星期三進行了緊張的談判。

  •   Members of the House of Representatives approved the plan late Wednesday by a vote of 285 to 144, after it was approved by the Senate earlier in the day (by a vote of 81 to 18).
  • 星期三晚間,眾議院以 285 票對 144 票通過了這項議案,此前該議案在參議院以 81 票對 18 票獲得通過。

  •   White House budget office said federal workers should plan to return to work Thursday morning.
  • 白宮預算辦公室說,聯邦政府僱員應當計劃於星期四上午恢復正常工作。

  •   Mr. Obama has thanked leaders of both parties and said it is time to earn back the lost trust of the American people.
  • 歐巴馬感謝國會兩黨領導人,並表示現在是贏回美國人民信任的時候了。

  •   Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, and his Republican colleague Mitch McConnell put together the composite bill Wednesday, a day before the current borrowing authority expired.
  • 參議院多數黨民主黨領袖里德和共和黨領袖麥康奈爾在星期三,也就是美國觸及債務上限的前一天,擬定了這項綜合議案。

  •   The bill will keep the government running until at least January 15 and raise the borrowing limit enough to put off the risk of default until at least February 7.
  • 這項議案簽署後,美國政府就可以運轉到明年 1 月 15 日,債務上限推遲到明年 2 月 7 日。

  •   In the meantime, lawmakers will negotiate on spending cuts.
  • 在此期間,國會議員可以就削減政府開支進行談判。

EPT 美語
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