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十月份 第 12 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-10-16)------

  • UN Body Endorses Gaza War Crimes Report
  • 以色列外長批評聯合國投票不公正
  •   The U.N. Human Rights Council has endorsed a report that accuses Israel and the Palestinians of war crimes during the Gaza conflict nearly a year ago.
  • 聯合國人權理事會正式通過一份指責以色列和巴勒斯坦大約一年前在加沙衝突中都犯下戰爭罪的報告。

  •   After two days of debate, the council voted 25 to six Friday in Geneva in favor of a resolution that backs the report, with 11 countries abstaining.
  • 經過兩天辯論,理事會星期五在日內瓦以 25 比 6 投票通過批准支援這項報告的決議案;其中有 11 個國家投了放棄票。

  •   The resolution endorses the report's recommendation that both sides show the U.N. Security Council within six months they are investigating the war crimes accusations.
  • 這項決議支援報告的建議,呼籲以色列和巴勒斯坦兩國在六個月內展開調查,並將報告提交給聯合國安理會。

  •   Otherwise, the matter would be referred to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
  • 否則,該案將交由位於海牙的國際刑事法院處理。

  •   Palestinian officials welcomed the resolution, saying they hope the U.N. Security Council takes up the issue.
  • 巴勒斯坦官員對這個決議表示歡迎;他們說,希望聯合國安全理事會可以接手處理此案。

  •   Hamas says it hopes the resolution will lead to a trial of Israeli leaders.
  • 哈馬斯說,希望這個決議可以使以色列領導人得到審判。

  •   Israel's Foreign Ministry criticized Friday's vote as "unjust."
  • 以色列外交部批評星期五的投票“不公正”。


  • (2009-10-16)------

  • Madagascar Power-Sharing Talks Canceled
  • 馬達加斯加權力分享會談取消
  •   Talks on forming a power-sharing government among Madagascar's four main political factions will not be held Saturday in Geneva as planned.
  • 馬達加斯加四個主要政治派系原定這個星期六在日內瓦就組建權力分享政府舉行的會談計劃已被取消。

  •   A United Nations mediator, Tiebile Drame, told reporters Friday the meeting was canceled because one of the politicians involved, former President Marc Ravalomanana, demanded it be held in Africa.
  • 聯合國調解人德拉姆星期五告訴記者說,會談取消的原因是其中一個與會領導人,馬達加斯加前總統拉瓦盧馬納納要求在非洲舉行這次會談。

  •   The talks are aimed at resolving a political crisis that began last month when Madagascar's current leader, Andry Rajoelina, overthrew Mr. Ravalomanana with the military's support.
  • 會談的目的是解決馬達加斯加的政治危機;上個月,現任總統拉喬利納在軍方的支援下推翻拉瓦盧馬納納政權,由此引發了馬達加斯加的政治危機。

  •   Two other former leaders (Didier Ratsiraka and Albert Zafy) also are involved in the discussions.
  • 其他兩名前任領導人也參與這次會談。

  •   The four factions reached an agreement last week to form an interim government, with Mr. Rajoelina staying on as president.
  • 這四個政治派系上星期達成共識,要組建一個過渡政府,由拉喬利納擔任過渡時期的總統。

  •   The meeting scheduled for Saturday was to follow-up on that accord.
  • 這個原定星期六舉行的會談就是在此協議上進一步磋商。


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