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十月份 第 12 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-10-20)------

  • Former Libyan Leader Gadhafi Killed in Hometown
  • 利比亞前領導人格達費在蘇爾特被打死
  •   Libyan provisional government forces killed Gadhafi in a final assault on his coastal hometown of Sirte on Thursday, after launching an uprising in February against his four-decade autocratic rule.
  • 利比亞臨時政府部隊星期四在對格達費老家海濱城鎮蘇爾特發動最後攻勢時將他打死;利比亞今年 2 月爆發了反對格達費 40 多年獨裁統治的民眾起義。

  •   The prime minister of Libya's National Transitional Council, Mahmoud Jibril, confirmed Gadhafi's death at a news conference in Tripoli.
  • 利比亞全國過渡委員會總理賈布里勒在的黎波里舉行的記者會上證實格達費已經死亡。

  •   He also said it is time for Libyans to build a new, united Libya.
  • 他還說,現在是利比亞人民建立一個新的團結統一的利比亞的時候了。

  •   The United States says it received confirmation of the former leader's death from Libyan officials. Gadhafi was 69 years old.
  • 格達費今年 69 歲;美國表示,已經從利比亞官員那裏得到證實格達費已死。

  •   Video footage broadcast on global television networks showed Gadhafi's bloodied corpse lying on the ground, surrounded by NTC forces who later took the body to the western city of Misrata.
  • 全球電視網路播出的電視畫面顯示格達費血淋淋的屍體躺在地上,周圍是過渡委員會的武裝人員;格達費的屍體後來被運送到利比亞西部城市米蘇拉塔。

  •   The circumstances of Gadhafi's killing were not clear.
  • 格達費是如何被打死的具體情況還不明朗。

  •   NTC fighters said Gadhafi was found hiding under ground and was shot and killed as they crushed remaining resistance by his loyalists in Sirte.
  • 全國過渡委員會武裝人員說,他們在蘇爾特擊潰格達費效忠者僅存抵抗力量時發現格達費躲在地下,他後來被擊斃。

  •   NATO said its warplanes also attacked two vehicles of pro-Gadhafi forces that were maneuvering around Sirte on Thursday.
  • 北約說,北約飛機星期四襲擊了效忠格達費部隊的兩部車,當時那兩輛車輛在蘇爾特周圍活動。

  •   Jubilant crowds filled the streets of Tripoli to celebrate Gadhafi's demise.
  • 首都的黎波里街頭到處是群情激昂的民眾,歡慶格達費之死。

  •   NTC fighters also celebrated the fall of Sirte by firing shots into the air and hoisting Libya's new national flag over what was the last stronghold of Gadhafi loyalists.
  • 過渡委員會武裝人員也在慶祝攻取蘇爾特,他們朝天鳴槍慶賀,並升起了利比亞的新國旗;蘇爾特是格達費效忠者佔據的最後一個重鎮。


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