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2025.02.15 16:10
四月份 第 18 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2006-04-26) ------
- Rice, Rumsfeld in Baghdad to Meet Iraq's New Leaders
- 萊斯、拉姆斯菲爾德晤伊新領導人
- U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza RIce and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made surprise visits to Iraq today (Wednesday), in a show of support for the country's emerging new government.
- 美國國務卿萊斯和國防部長拉姆斯菲爾德星期三突然訪問巴格達,以顯示美國對伊拉克新領導層的支持。
- Rice arrived in Baghdad from Turkey, hours after Rumsfeld landed for meetings with U.S. generals and Prime Minister-designate Jawad al-Maliki.
- 萊斯在拉姆斯菲爾德抵達巴格達的幾個小時之後從土耳其飛抵巴格達,會晤美軍將領和伊拉克總理提名人馬利基。
- In a news conference with Rumsfeld, Army General George Casey said he remains on track to recommend cutting U.S. troop levels this year. He did not offer specifics. But last year, he forecast a "fairly substantial" cut in U.S. troop strength in 2006.
- 美國駐伊部隊凱西將軍在同拉姆斯菲爾德舉行的記者會上說,他仍舊建議今年減少美國駐伊部隊人數.他沒有進一步說明.但是凱西去年曾預測美國2006年將“大幅度”減少駐伊拉克美軍。
- Rumsfeld said future U.S. troop withdrawals will depend on progress in suppressing Iraq's insurgency, and on the effectiveness of the new Iraqi government in the weeks ahead.
- 拉姆斯菲爾德說,美國從伊拉克撤軍將取決於鎮壓伊拉克反叛活動的進展和今後幾個星期伊拉克新政府的工作效率。
- (2006-04-26) ------
- Abbas Seeks Mideast Peace International Conference
- 阿巴斯尋求開中東和平國際會議
- The Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, is calling for an international peace conference that would include direct negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis.
- 巴勒斯坦權力機構主席阿巴斯呼籲就中東和平問題舉行國際會議,其中包括巴勒斯坦人和以色列的直接談判。
- In a speech today (Wednesday) at the Nobel Institute in Oslo (Norway), Mr. Abbas said international sponsors of a new Mideast conference should act as both brokers and arbitrators, in order to move the peace process forward.
- 阿巴斯星期三在挪威奧斯陸的諾貝爾研究所發表演講說,為了推進中東和平進程,新中東會議的國際發起人應該既是斡旋者也是仲裁者。
- Mr. Abbas did not specify whether he thinks the Mideast peace "quartet" - made up of the United States, Russia, the United Nations and the European Union - or another group should sponsor a peace conference. He said that Israelis and Palestinians should not be left alone to negotiate a solution.
- 阿巴斯沒有明確說明應該由中東和平四方還是其他組織來舉辦新的和平會議.中東和平四方包括美國、俄羅斯、聯合國和歐盟.阿巴斯表示,不應當讓以色列人和巴勒斯坦人單獨就決議進行談判。
- Mr. Abbas urged the international community to move rapidly on a negotiated settlement before Israel takes unilateral action on the territorial and political issues that divide the two sides.
- 他說,國際社會應該在以色列就雙方有分歧的領土和政治問題採取單方面行動之前迅速行動,通過談判達成中東和平協議。