現在線上人數 113人
2025.02.19 04:31
十月份 第 19 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2006-10-26)------
- Afghan Officials Say At Least 60 Civilians Killed In Nato Raids
- 阿官員說至少60平民死於北約突擊
- Local officials in Afghanistan say NATO operations killed at least 60 civilians in the southern part of the country earlier this week.
- 阿富汗地方官員說,北約本星期早些時候在阿富汗南部地區的行動造成至少60位平民死亡。
- The deputy director of Kandahar's provincial council and the chief of Panjwayi district said the civilians were killed in a series of NATO operations, including airstrikes, in the province of Kandahar on Tuesday.
- 坎大哈省議會副主席和坎大哈本傑瓦伊區領導人說,這些人星期二在北約包括空襲在內的一系列行動中被打死。
- NATO's International Security Assistance Force said its troops killed 48 suspected Taleban militants in heavy fighting in Kandahar's Panjwayi district on Tuesday.
- 北約國際安全援助部隊說,北約部隊星期二在坎大哈本傑瓦伊區的激烈戰鬥中打死了48名被懷疑是塔利班激進分子的人員。
- NATO said it has received "credible reports" that several civilians were killed during the clashes.
- 北約說,他們得到「可靠消息」,有若干平民在衝突中喪生。
- A NATO spokesman accused the Taleban of using civilians as human shields. Afghan authorities are investigating the casualties.
- 北約一名發言人指責塔利班利用平民作人體盾牌.阿富汗當局正在對傷亡進行調查。
- (2006-10-26)------
- 5 US Troops Killed in Western Iraq
- 駐伊美軍五人在西部地區喪生
- The U.S. military in Iraq says five American troops have been killed in western Anbar province, raising the death toll among U.S. forces in Iraq to 96 this month.
- 駐伊拉克美軍說,5名美國士兵在伊拉克西部的安巴爾省被打死,使駐伊美軍這個月的死亡人數升至96人。
- The five include four marines and one sailor. A military statement issued Thursday said all died as a result of enemy action on Wednesday, but did not specify if they were killed in the same incident.
- 5名死者中包括四名海軍陸戰隊員和一名水兵.軍方星期四發表聲明說,這些士兵都是星期三在敵方行動中被打死的,不過,聲明沒有說明他們是否死於同一起事件。
- Also Wednesday, the U.S. military says Iraqi forces backed by coalition advisers carried out several early morning raids on militant targets across Iraq.
- 另外,美國軍方星期三說,伊拉克部隊在聯軍顧問的支援下,凌晨時分對伊拉克各地的激進分子目標進行了突襲。
- In one operation, troops killed a militant in a gun battle in the town of Khalis in the eastern province of Diyala.
- 在其中一次行動中,伊拉克士兵在東部迪亞拉省的哈利斯鎮的槍戰中打死一名激進分子。
- In another raid on the Hillah region south of Baghdad, security forces detained 11 suspected death squad members.
- 在巴格達以南希拉區另外一次突襲中,保安部隊抓獲了11名被懷疑是殺人隊成員的人。
- Iraqi forces backed by American warplanes killed 10 militants in a third operation targeting Baghdad's Sadr City, a Shi'ite militia stronghold of anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.
- 在對巴格達的薩德爾城區進行的第三起突襲行動中,伊拉克部隊在美國戰鬥機的支援下打死10名激進分子.該地區是反美神職人員薩德爾控制的什葉派民兵據點。
- Ten suspected death squad members were also captured during the raid.
- 在這次突襲行動中,還有10名被懷疑是殺人隊成員的人被捕。