現在線上人數 100人
2025.01.18 14:01
十月份 第 19 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-10-25)------
- Former NSA Chief Gives Eavesdropped 'Off Record' Interviews on Train
- 前美國國安局長在火車上接受 “不在記錄” 的採訪遭偷聽
- A former CIA and National Security Agency chief gave what he thought was a series of anonymous interviews on a train, but his comments ended up on Twitter.
- 前美國中央情報局長和國家安全局長海登在火車上接受了一系列採訪,他本以為採訪是匿名的,結果他發表的評論出現在推特上。
- Michael Hayden talked to reporters on his cell phone Thursday while traveling on a train from Washington to New York.
- 海登星期四乘火車從華盛頓前往紐約途中,通過手機向記者們發表了談話。
- Tom Matzzie, the former Washington director of the liberal political group MoveOn.org, was sitting near Hayden.
- 自由派政治組織 MoveOn.org 的華盛頓分部前主任馬特茲當時坐在海登不遠處。
- Matzzie divulged portions of Hayden's conversation on Twitter, including comments on the NSA spying scandal, CIA secret prisons and President Barack Obama's smartphone.
- 他把海登談話的部分內容放在推特上,包括有關國安局監聽醜聞、中情局秘密監獄以及歐巴馬總統的智慧手機的評論。
- Matzzie tweeted "former NSA spy boss Michael Hayden on Acela (train) behind me blabbing on background as a former senior admin (administration) official,' sounds defensive."
- 馬特茲在推特上說,前國安局長海登作為一名前政府高層官員,在火車上大談背景情況,而且聽上去是在為自己辯解。
- Hayden said later that he did not criticize Mr. Obama.
- 海登後來表示,他當時沒有批評歐巴馬總統。
- (2013-10-25)------
- Search Continues for Americans Kidnapped by Pirates Off Nigeria
- 尋找在尼日利亞近海被海盜綁架的美國人的工作繼續進行
- Nigerian authorities are continuing their search for two American men kidnapped by pirates off the Gulf of Guinea.
- 尼日利亞當局繼續尋找被海盜在幾內亞灣綁架的兩名美國男子。
- The captain and chief engineer of a U.S.-flagged oil supply vessel were taken Wednesday during an attack in international waters off the coast of Nigeria.
- 星期三,一艘懸掛美國國旗的油輪在尼日利亞沿海的國際水域遭到海盜襲擊,船長和輪機長被綁架。
- The 68-meter C-Retriever is owned by the U.S. oil servicing company Edison Chouest Offshore, which has not commented on the situation.
- 這艘 68 米長的油輪屬於美國的愛迪生‧古斯特海運公司;該公司沒有對目前的局勢發表評論。
- U.S. officials say the vessel and the rest of its crew were released by the pirates. It is not clear if the American men are still at sea or were taken to land.
- 美國官員說,這艘油輪和其他船員被海盜釋放;不清楚兩名被綁架的美國人目前是在海上,還是被帶上岸。
- The Nigerian military has ordered a search and rescue operation. Officials have refused to say whether the U.S. military is also involved.
- 尼日利亞軍方已經下令展開搜救行動;有關官員拒絕說明美國軍方是否參與行動。
- U.S. defense officials say they are monitoring the situation, noting that the closest U.S. military contingent is a Marine Corps training unit in the Gulf of Guinea.
- 美國國防部官員說,正在密切關注局勢,並說距離事發地點最近的美國軍隊是幾內亞灣的一支海軍陸戰隊訓練部隊。