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2025.01.23 01:49
十一月份 第 09 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]
- (2009-11-12)------
- Heavy Snow Storms Wreak Havoc in China
- 中國大雪造成嚴重雪災
- Heavy snowfalls in northern China are wreaking havoc this week, causing a school roof to cave in and kill three students as well as stranding thousands of travelers.
- 本周中國華北普降大雪,造成嚴重災害;一所學校屋頂坍塌,3 名學生被砸死。數千名旅客被困。
- China's official Xinhua news agency says two girls and a boy were killed Wednesday when the ceiling of a elementary school cafeteria in Hebei province collapsed. At least 28 other people were injured.
- 中國官方媒體新華社報導說,星期三,河北省一所小學的食堂屋頂坍塌,造成兩名女童和一名男童死亡,至少 28 人受傷。
- Government officials have closed all elementary schools in nearby counties in Hebei to conduct building safety checks.
- 政府官員已經關閉了附近縣區的所有小學,並且開始進行房屋安全徹查。
- On Thursday, heavy snowfall in the Chinese capital caused the cancellation of more than 60 flights at Beijing Capital Airport and delayed more than 100 others.
- 星期四,首都北京的大雪造成 60 多班班機被取消,100 多班班機延誤。
- Forecasters say the snow is likely to continue over the next two days in northern and northeastern China.
- 天氣預報說,中國北部和東北部的大雪在未來兩天很可能會持續。
- (2009-11-12)------
- Rights Group: China Running Illegal Prisons
- 人權團體:中國經營非法監獄
- Human Rights Watch is accusing China of abducting and detaining citizens in illegal jails, to prevent them from bringing complaints to the central government.
- 總部設在紐約的人權組織人權觀察指責中國當局綁架公民,將他們拘禁在非法監獄中以阻攔他們向中央政府申訴。
- In its report, the New York-based rights group says most people detained are rural residents who come to Beijing seeking redress for abuses ranging from illegal land grabs and corruption to police torture.
- 該組織在一份報告中指出,被關押在非法中心或「黑監獄」的人,大都來自農村地區;他們去北京上告,尋求政府對非法奪取土地,腐敗和警察拷打等種種虐待作出賠償。
- The group says the detainees are held in illegal centers or "black jails" for days or months, and are subject to physical and psychological abuse.
- 然而他們連續幾天或幾個月被關押在非法中心或「黑監獄」,身心都受到折磨。
- Human Rights Watch is calling on China to shut down the detention centers.
- 人權觀察呼籲中國關閉拘留中心。
- But Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang denied Thursday that black jails even exist.
- 但中國外交部發言人秦剛星期四否認中國存在「黑監獄」。
- He questioned the group's motives for issuing what he called the "so-called report."
- 他還質疑人權觀察發表報告的動機,稱人權組織的報告為「所謂的報告」。