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2025.02.15 16:13
十一月份 第 09 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2012-11-12)------
- Karzai in India to Push for Investment
- 卡爾紮伊訪問印度敦促增加對阿富汗投資
- Afghan President Hamid Karzai is in India where he held talks Monday with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to appeal for increased investment in war-torn Afghanistan.
- 阿富汗總統卡爾紮伊目前在印度訪問,他星期一與印度總理辛格舉行會談時,敦促印度增加對飽受戰火蹂躪的阿富汗的投資。
- Indian officials say Mr. Karzai and Mr. Singh will review a strategic partnership agreement their two countries signed last year designed to deepen security and economic ties.
- 印度官員說,卡爾紮伊和辛格將審查印阿兩國去年簽署的一項戰略夥伴協議,簽署該協議是為了加強兩國之間的安全和經濟關係。
- India has already invested more than $2 billion dollars on Afghanistan's infrastructure.
- 到目前為止,印度已經在阿富汗的基礎設施領域投資 20 多億美元。
- Before holding talks in New Delhi with Mr. Singh Monday, President Karzai met with other high-level Indian officials and visited Mahatma Gandhi's memorial.
- 卡爾紮伊星期一在新德里與辛格舉行會談之前,會晤了其他印度高層官員,並拜謁了聖雄甘地陵。
- (2012-11-12)------
- Moderate Syrian Cleric to Lead Opposition
- 溫和派敘利亞教長哈提蔔任反對派聯盟領袖
- Syrian opposition groups have elected a moderate cleric, Maath al-Khatib, to lead a new coalition uniting the disparate factions fighting to oust President Bashar al-Assad.
- 敘利亞反對派組織選舉溫和派教長哈提蔔為新聯盟的首位領袖;新聯盟團結了為結束阿薩德總統統治而戰的各不同反對派系。
- Khatib is a former imam at the Umayyad mosque in Damascus and was imprisoned several times for criticizing Mr. Assad's rule before leaving Syria this year.
- 哈提蔔曾經是大馬士革烏馬亞德清真寺的教長;在他今年離開敘利亞之前,曾因批評阿薩德的統治而數次入獄。
- Opposition members also voted Sunday in Doha to elect businessman Riad Seif and well-known female activist Suhair al-Attasi as vice presidents.
- 星期天,反對派成員還在多哈推選企業家里亞德-賽義夫和著名女性活動人士蘇海爾-阿塔西為聯盟副主席。
- Seif proposed the U.S.-backed initiative to establish an umbrella organization for the opposition both inside Syria and abroad.
- 賽義夫提出了美國支持的計劃,即建立一個包括敘利亞境內外反對派系的統一組織。
- Anti-Assad figures had struggled to achieve unity under pressure from U.S. diplomats and officials from Qatar, which have supported Syrian opposition activity since an uprising began last year.
- 在美國外交官和卡塔爾官員的壓力下,敘利亞反對派人士努力團結起來;從去年起義開始以來,美國和阿盟都一直支持敘利亞反對派的活動。
- The U.S. State Department said in a statement late Sunday that it looks forward to supporting the united opposition as it works "toward the end of Assad's bloody rule" and a peaceful, democratic future in Syria.
- 美國國務院星期天晚間發表聲明說,在團結一致的敘利亞反對派努力結束阿薩德血腥統治以及爭取敘利亞的和平民主未來的過程中,美國願意提供支持。
- The agreement Sunday came after the group formerly seen as the main representative of the opposition, the Syrian National Council, heeded Arab and Western pressure to agree to a new structure embracing those who had been unwilling to join its ranks.
- 星期天在多哈達成協議之前,敘利亞全國委員會在阿拉伯聯盟和西方的壓力下,同意組建一個接納一直不願與敘利亞全國委員會為伍的各反對派的新機構;敘利亞全國委員會曾被認為是反對派的主要代表。