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四月份 第 18 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]

  • (2010-04-27) ------

  • Zimbabwe Court Approves Sale of "Blood Diamonds"
  • 津巴布韋法院批准銷售「血腥鑽石」
  •   Zimbabwe's High Court has ruled the government can begin selling diamonds that witnesses say were mined under abusive conditions.
  • 津巴布韋高等法院裁定,政府可以開始銷售鑽石;目擊者說,這些鑽石是在虐待礦工的情況下開採出來的。

  •   The ruling, reported by state media Tuesday, concerns a dispute over mining claims between the government and a British company, African Consolidated Resources.
  • 國家媒體週二報道的這項裁決涉及津巴布韋政府與一家英國公司「非洲綜合資源公司」的採礦糾紛。

  •   The effect is that authorities will be able to sell about 300,000 carats worth of diamonds from the Marange diamond fields, which are run by Zimbabwe's military.
  • 裁決的後果是,當局將能夠銷售馬朗鑽石礦場的約 30 萬克拉鑽石;這個礦場由津巴布韋軍方經營。

  •   Human Rights Watch said last November that it had uncovered rampant abuses at the Marange fields, including forced labor, child labor, killings, beatings, smuggling, and corruption.
  • 人權觀察去年 11 月說,該組織在馬朗礦區發現嚴重虐待現象,包括強迫勞動、童工、殺人、毆打、走私和腐敗。

  •   The High Court made it clear the sale can go ahead without approval from the Kimberley Process, the global system set up to stop the trade of so-called "blood diamonds."
  • 津巴布韋高等法院的裁決明確指出,不需金伯利證書制度的同意,就能銷售這些鑽石;設立這個全球制度是停止所謂的「血腥鑽石」貿易。


  • (2010-04-27) ------

  • Ex-Panamanian Leader Hears Charges in Paris Court
  • 巴拿馬前領導人將在巴黎法庭受審
  •   Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega -- extradited from the United States Monday -- has appeared before a French magistrate in Paris to face charges of laundering illicit drug money.
  • 前巴拿馬獨裁者曼努埃爾‧諾列加星期一從美國被引渡至法國,因非法販毒資金洗錢的指控,在巴黎出庭接受法官的審判。

  •   The 76-year-old general, who ruled Panama from 1981 to 1989, arrived in Paris early Tuesday aboard an Air France flight from (the southern U.S. city of) Miami (Florida).
  • 諾列加將軍現年 76 歲,曾在 1981 至 1989 年統治巴拿馬;他乘坐法航班機從美國南部佛羅里達州的邁阿密出發於星期二早晨抵達巴黎。

  •   A French judge was to rule later in the day on a bond request filed by Noriega's lawyers.
  • 一位法國法官將於今天晚些時候就諾列加律師團提出的保釋請求做出決定。

  •   Noriega left a Miami prison Monday, after serving a 17-year sentence for drug-trafficking and other charges.
  • 諾列加因毒品走私和其它指控已在邁阿密監獄服刑 17 年。諾列加星期一離開邁阿密的一所監獄。

  •   In the French case, authorities claim he laundered about $7 million in drug profits in the 1980s, by purchasing luxury apartments in Paris.
  • 在法國的案子方面,當局稱,諾列加在二十世紀 80 年代用販毒所得,在巴黎購買豪華公寓,洗錢約 700 萬美元。

  •   He has already been convicted in absentia on those charges, but he is entitled to a new trial under French law.
  • 他已因這些指控被缺席判刑,但根據法國的法律,他有權接受新的法庭審理。

  •   The former dictator surrendered to U.S. troops in 1990, shortly after the U.S. invasion of Panama.
  • 這位前獨裁者在 1990 年美軍進入巴拿馬後不久向美軍投降。


EPT 美語
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