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六月份 第 03 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2012-06-04) ------

  • Chagas Disease, an incurable infection, called the “new AIDS of the Americas
  • 吸血昆蟲引發新型愛滋病 美洲成重災區
  •   Experts have dubbed it the “new AIDS of the Americas.”
  • 專家將其稱為 "美洲的新愛滋病"。

  •   A parasitic infection called Chagas Disease has similarities to the early spread of HIV, according to research published recently in the journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
  • 根據《PLoS 被忽視的熱帶疾病》期刊近日發佈的研究稱,這種名為 "查加斯病" 的寄生蟲傳染疾病和愛滋病早期的傳播過程具有相似性。

  •   Like AIDS, Chagas is hard to detect and has a long incubation period before symptoms emerge, the study said, according to the New York Times.
  • 根據《紐約時報》,該研究稱,查加斯病就像愛滋病一樣難以覺察,而且在出現症狀之前會有一段長時間的潛伏期。

  •   As many as 8 million people are infected in the Western Hemisphere, mainly in Bolivia, Mexico, Colombia and Central America, as well as some 30,000 people in the US, the newspaper reported.
  • 據《紐約時報》的報導,在西半球已有 800 萬人感染了這一疾病,患者主要分佈在玻利維亞、墨西哥、哥倫比亞和美洲中部,在美國也有 3 萬人感染此疾病。

  •   Chagas infects people in areas of poverty, and most US cases are found in immigrants.
  • 查加斯病在貧民區的人群中傳染,許多美國患者都是外來移民。

  •   Because Chagas is often left untreated, it spreads easily, either genetically or through blood transfusion.
  • 據報紙的報導,因為查加斯病常常得不到治療,因此它很容易就通過遺傳或輸血散播開來。

  •   If caught early, it can be treated with intense medication, but the drugs are scarce in poor countries and very little money is invested in searching for new treatments, the paper said.
  • 如果在疾病早期發現,可採用密集藥物治療方法,但窮國的藥品很稀缺,在尋求新療法的上投資也很少。

  •   Chagas is usually transmitted from the bite of blood-sucking insects that release a parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi into the victim’s bloodstream.
  • 查加斯病通常是通過吸血昆蟲的叮咬、將被稱為克氏錐蟲的寄生蟲輸入受害者血液中而進行傳播。

  •   The parasite can eventually make its way to the heart, where it can live and multiply.
  • 這種寄生蟲最後會到達心臟,在那裏生存和繁殖。

  •   Infections often stay dormant for years, and then emerge as heart arrhythmias and heart failure.
  • 這種傳染病通常會潛伏數年,然後以心律失常和心臟衰竭的形式發作。

  •   About a quarter of victims develop enlarged heart or intestines that can lead to sudden death if they burst.
  • 約有四分之一的受害者會發展成心臟或腸道擴大,如果發作可能導致猝死。

  •   New research suggests Chagas may have led to the death of Charles Darwin — one of the great medical mysteries.
  • 新研究顯示,查加斯病可能是查爾斯‧達爾文的死因 --- 達爾文的死是史上最大的一個醫學之謎。

  •   Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine believe Darwin suffered from three different illnesses, including a Chagas infection contracted on a voyage to the Andes in South America, the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month.
  • 根據《華爾街日報》本月早些時候的報導,馬里蘭大學醫學院的研究人員認為,達爾文死前患有三種不同的疾病,包括前往南美安第斯山脈航海旅途中染上的查加斯病。

  •   Darwin wrote in his diary that he was bitten by a “great wingless black bug” during the trip in 1835. He died 47 years later of heart failure.
  • 達爾文在他的日記中寫道,1835 年他在旅途中被一隻 "巨大的沒有翅膀的黑色昆蟲" 咬了;47 年後他因為心臟衰竭而死。


EPT 美語
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