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2025.01.17 13:10
第十部 第二課: workaholic , nutty
- Larry 陪李華帶著她新領養的貓 - 小雪球 - 去看獸醫.兩個人聊起了一位共同的朋友.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: workaholic 和 nutty.
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- I'm really worried about Bob. He seems as though he has turned into a real workaholic.
- 你很擔心 Bob,因為他成了 workaholic, Workaholic?那是什麼意思啊?是不是 Bob 生病了?
- No, Bob doesn't have a disease. He's a workaholic. A workaholic is someone who works all of the time and never takes time for anything else.
- 啊,我懂你的意思了. Workaholic 就是指啊一個人工作過度,從來不休息.那就是「工作狂」的意思嘛! Bob 天天加班,怪不得他看起來總是那麼累.這樣對身體很不好呢!
- No, it's not. Workaholics often get stress-related problems such as high blood pressure or ulcers.
- 就是啊,高血壓和潰瘍都是一些工作過度的人常有的毛病.我爸爸就是個工作狂.我小的時候很少見到他,因為他總是在辦公室裡加班.結果在我十歲的時候,他得了潰瘍,醫生要他立刻減少工作量。
- That's a shame, but it's actually pretty common. I've known a few workaholics, too.
- 現代人工作忙碌,變成工作狂是很常見的.哎, Larry 也許我們應該和 Bob 談一談,讓他知道我們很擔心他啊。
- I don't know how he'll respond to that. Maybe it would be better if we just pressured him to hang out with us and relax more.
- 這倒是個好主意哎,讓他和我們一起出去玩,一定可以放鬆心情的!哎,要不這樣吧!我們可以邀請 Bob 下個星期到我家來玩啊,順便啊看看我的小雪球!
- I don't know if meeting your crazy cat is going to help prevent Bob from becoming a workaholic, but at least it will get him out of the office for a while.
- 嘿!我的小雪球才不瘋呢!她只不過是只小貓咪,愛玩而已嘛!
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- Well, did the vet officially diagnose your cat as being totally nutty?
- Nutty? 那是什麼意思啊?你該不是在說我的小雪球有什麼行為方面的問題吧?
- You could say that. Nutty means crazy.
- 所以 nutty 就是瘋瘋顛顛的意思啊.嘿~,我跟你說過了,小雪球不瘋.她只是比較好動嘛。
- Did the vet agree with you?
- 當然囉!獸醫還說啊,小雪球既不瘋,也沒有心理問題.她只是一隻小貓,所以特別需要別人注意她.獸醫還說我應該經常陪小雪球玩。
- Oh, I see, she's so nutty because she has too much extra energy. If we play with her and tire her out, she'll be calmer.
- 沒錯,只要我們多陪陪她,消耗她的體力,她就不會精力旺盛地動來動去了.所以啊我打算用繩子來做一些小玩具,每天至少陪她玩 15 分鐘。
- Hey, that actually sounds fun. Can I help?
- 當然囉!但是啊你得先答應我,你不可以再叫她是個小瘋子了,或者是 nutty 了.這樣我才讓你和她玩,可以嗎?
- All right, I won't make fun of your nutty cat anymore.
- Larry!你怎麼又這麼說她啊!
- I'm just kidding. I think it's funny that you get so offended when I call Snowball nutty.
- 我當然要生氣囉!小雪球是只很乖的小貓.我真的很喜歡她,所以你不可以這樣嘲笑她了。
- Okay, I won't. Let's take her home and play with her now. I'm sure she doesn't want to stay here any longer.
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- 今天李華學到兩個常用語,一個是: workaholic,指的是一個人「工作過度、不休息」,也就是我們常說的「工作狂」;另一個常用語是: nutty,是指「行為瘋瘋顛顛的、不太正常」。