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2025.02.08 01:27
第十部 第十四課: to dump someone , babe magnet
- 今天是星期六, Larry 和李華要和另外一個同學 Jim 一塊兒去吃午飯,然後再去看電影.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: to dump someone 和 babe magnet.
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- Li Hua, Jim sounded really bummed on the phone. His girlfriend just dumped him and I don't think he's handling it very well.
- Jim 在電話上聽起來情緒很壞?你說他女朋友把他怎麼啦? Dumped him?什麼是 dump?
- Well, first they had a fight and then she dumped him. To dump is to break up with someone.
- 哦~,原來 dump someone 就是不要和某人在一起了.也就是 Jim 的女朋友把他給甩啦.是喔,男女朋友分手是挺難受的。
- Yeah, I can't believe she dumped him after they'd been together for two years. It's really a shock.
- 我聽了也很驚奇耶.他們在一起已經兩年了, Jim 的脾氣又那麼好,為什麼他女朋友要把他甩啦?為什麼要 dump him?
- I don't know. He wouldn't tell me the reason why she dumped him.
- 他不願意告訴你為什麼啊.對,有的人啊是不願意跟別人談這種細節.會不會 Jim 的女朋友愛上別人啦?
- That's possible, but it's not really any of our business. We should just try and cheer him up while we're with him.
- 對,這是他們之間的事,我們啊不必過問.我們今天就想辦法讓他高興一點就好啦.疑? Larry,你有沒有被女朋友甩過? Have you ever been dumped?
- I really don't want to talk about that, Li Hua. If I have been dumped, it's not something I'm proud of.
- 你不想告訴我啊,我能理解,被別人甩了確實不是什麼值得驕傲的事兒.這麼說,你被甩過啊. You've been dumped. 為什麼啊?
- Li Hua! I told you (that) I don't want to talk about it.
- 對不起,對不起嘛,我只是好奇嘛.你人那麼好,為什麼你的女朋友會甩了你啊.我只是覺得很難想像而已嘛。
- Don't worry about it. Hey, look, we're almost at Jim's place.
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- 哎,Larry,剛才吃飯的時候,你說 Jim 是個 babe magnet,他聽了好像很高興哎.這個 Babe magnet 到底是什麼意思啊?
- A babe magnet is a man who attracts lots of women, the way a magnet attracts metal. I was trying to make him feel better.
- 哦~,我懂了, babe 就是指女孩兒,而 magnet 就是磁鐵,所以囉,一個 babe magnet 就是很能吸引女孩兒的人.你這麼說是為了安慰 Jim,意思就是啊,他很快就會找到新女朋友了,是不是?
- Exactly. If he feels good about himself and thinks about future possibilities, then he won't be so depressed about getting dumped.
- 沒錯。只要 Jim 對自己有信心、覺得前途有希望,他就不會太難過了.而且 Jim 真的是一個 babe magnet 啊!你看,他長的一表人才,又聰明,對人也好,我想啊很多女孩都會喜歡他的!
- Hey, Li Hua, if you think he's such a babe magnet, then why don't you go out with him?
- Larry!你在說什麼嘛!我說 Jim 是個好人並不意味我就要和他談戀愛啊。
- I know; I'm just teasing you. Besides, even if Jim is an irresistible babe magnet, I don't think it's a good idea to go out with him right now.
- 我同意,他啊現在情緒不好.最好等一段時間再開始談戀愛. Larry,有沒有人告訴你,你也算得上是個 babe magnet?
- I don't need anyone to tell me I'm a babe magnet. I already know it.
- 是嗎?口氣還真不小呢,你早知道自己是個 babe magnet 啊?
- Yep. Women love me. They told me I'm a babe magnet.
- 哼嘿嘿嘿,你啊要真是個 babe-magnet,那你怎麼還會被甩呢?
- Li Hua, I told you...
- 好啦,開個玩笑嘛!
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