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2025.01.15 01:24
第十部 第四課: mental , pro
- Larry 到李華住的地方,去看她新領養的貓咪小雪球.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: mental 和 pro.
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- Snowball is adorable! She's so little and fluffy!
- 就是啊,我的貓咪小雪球是很可愛喔,可它也夠瘋的.你看看它把我的傢具抓成什麼樣了!
- Oh, don't worry. Your cat isn't mental. All cats love to scratch furniture. You just need to give her a scratching post to scratch instead.
- 你是說有辦法可以讓小雪球不再抓我的傢具?哦!謝天謝地.我啊明天馬上去買你說的那種專門讓貓抓的柱子.不然啊,我的傢具都要完蛋了.對了,你剛才說小雪球不是 mental,那是什麼意思啊?
- To be "mental" means to be crazy.
- Mental 就是發瘋,瘋狂的意思.所以你覺得小雪球很正常,一點也不瘋啊?
- She's just being a kitten. You need to get her a scratching post. She also might be doing this because she's lonely when you're gone.
- Larry,看不出來你對貓還有一套呢!你說小雪球太孤單了,才會到處抓,你該不是要我再領養一隻貓和它做伴吧?你要真是那麼想,那你可真的是 mental,瘋啦!
- Well, maybe you could adopt an older cat that's a little calmer.
- 再領養一隻大貓?你出什麼餿主意啊!我啊絕對應付不了兩隻貓.那樣,我會給逼瘋的,成了 mental。
- Okay, well then try getting her something to scratch. You should cut her claws, too.
- 對呀!我啊前天是要給小雪球剪指甲,可它像瘋子一樣,一直叫,一直抓我,最後還躲到床底下呢。
- Hmmm....maybe you need some professional help. When you take her to the vet to get her shots, then the vet can help you cut her claws.
- 我也希望獸醫能幫忙.我啊真不知道怎麼幫貓剪指甲.不過我怕小雪球到時候發瘋抓人,連獸醫啊都會受不了。
- Don't worry, I'm sure the vet sees mental cats all day long.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 小雪球現在好多了.我啊帶它看過獸醫,也找了幾本有關養貓的書.我現在比較懂得怎麼照顧它了。
- See, you're already becoming a pro. Pretty soon, you'll be able to handle a whole house full of cats.
- 哎喲!一隻貓已經夠我頭疼的了,一屋子的貓?甭提了!你剛才說我可以變成 pro,那又是什麼意思啊?
- Pro is short for "professional." If you say someone is a pro, it means that she is really good at something.
- 原來, pro 就是專業的意思.哼,我還不敢說自己在這一方面很專業啦!
- That's understandable. You can't become a pro overnight. It takes time and practice.
- 當然囉!要當專業人員可不是一天一夜的事,需要花很多時間來實踐、積累經驗的。
- Hey, I'm sure that Yao Ming got frustrated once in a while when he was training to become a pro basketball player.
- 姚明在訓練過程中還會煩惱啊? 他根本不用練球,他是一個「天生的」籃球好手!
- Hey, even naturally talented people have to work hard to become a pro.
- 嗯,我從小啊就夢想可以成為職業排球運動員.能夠在沙灘上打排球一定是件很過癮的事!
- I'm sure it's not as much fun as it seems. Pro sports players have to work hard and they travel a lot. There's a lot of pressure on them to perform well.
- 是沒有像我們想像的那樣好玩.訓練啊很辛苦的,還要到處旅行,壓力好大喔.可是,這些職業選手能夠賺大錢哎.那些美式足球和籃球明星,年薪都是上百萬呢!
- Don't you wish you'd get that much money for being a pro at caring for Snowball?
- 唉!專業管理寵物那有什麼好處啊?唯一的報酬就是有一隻快樂健康的貓囉!
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- 今天李華學到兩個常用語,第一個是: mental,是指「發瘋、瘋狂」的意思;另一個常用語是: pro ,是指「專業人員」。