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2024.09.08 06:55
第十部 第十課: back to square one , killer
- Larry 在幫李華寫一篇報告,因為李華的電腦出了問題,她寫的整個報告都丟了.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: back to square one 和 killer.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 電腦出了問題,我寫的東西全沒了!真糟糕,現在啊我得從頭開始寫了!
- I'm sorry, Li Hua. It's a real bummer, but I guess we're back to square one.
- Larry,我急都快急死了,你還在做什麼遊戲,什麼方塊一,方塊二的.方塊和我寫報告有什麼關係啊?
- Oh, when you're back to square one it means that you are back where you started and you have to start all over again.
- 哦~,原來 back to square one 就是回到開頭的地方,一切都得從頭來起.唉,看來啊我也只能這麼做了。
- You must remember some of what you wrote. You can start by writing that down before you forget it.
- 嗯~,我腦子裡啊是記得一些我寫的東西.先把我記得的部份寫下來.這倒是個好主意,這樣啊總比一切要從頭開始好一些。
- Don't feel so bad, Li Hua. It could be worse. My uncle spent years working on a novel. But a computer virus destroyed his computer and the backup disk. He was back to square one.
- 我的天啊!你叔叔比我更慘,寫了那麼多年的小說就這樣沒啦.要是我的話,我可能就會放棄了。
- But my uncle said he's going to rewrite the novel despite the fact he had to start from square one.
- 你叔叔真有毅力哎!嗯, Larry,你有沒有聞到一股燒焦味啊?
- Oh no! I forgot about the pizza in the oven. It's burning! Li Hua, I'm so sorry. I'm afraid that we're back to square one with dinner, too.
- 不得了,比撒餅在烤箱裡都給忘了.哎喲,你看,都烤焦了.看來啊我們得重新打電話訂比薩餅了。
- That's a good idea because this one is completely burned.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Let's watch TV while we're eating. The Simpsons are on. I love watching The Simpsons; it's such a killer show.
- 哎喲, Larry,你有沒有搞錯啊?「辛普森家族」是個卡通節目,很好玩的哎.哪是什麼殺人行兇的節目啊?
- No, I don't mean "killer" as in deadly. I mean killer as in awesome or really cool.
- 哦~,原來這裡的 killer 不是殺人,而是指某樣東西很棒,很酷.我也覺得哎「辛普森家族」啊是個很棒、很好笑的節目。
- This is killer pizza, too. I'll have to remember to order pizza from the same restaurant next time.
- 對,這個比薩餅真好吃.沒錯,下回啊我們再到這個飯館去訂. Larry,我已經看過這一集「辛普森家族」了,這一集啊真的很好笑哦。
- Yeah, you're right, this is a killer episode. I can watch it over and over again and never get tired of it.
- 這一集啊我也看了好幾遍了,可是啊還沒有看厭. Larry,我覺得另外一個電視連續劇也可以算得上是個 killer show。
- What show?
- 就是那個描寫 6 個年輕男女在紐約市的「六人行」節目啊.那是我最喜歡的電視節目之一,每一次啊播那個節目,我絕對不會錯過的!
- There are probably several million people who agree with you. That is a killer show, and one of the most popular TV shows in history.
- 許多人都會同意我的觀點!那是美國電視節目有史以來最紅的節目之一了.這麼說,你也同意我的判斷囉?
- I think the show could be better, but Jennifer Aniston has killer legs.
- 啊!原來你的注意力全在女主角那一雙漂亮的腿上啊?
- It's not the only reason, but she does have killer legs.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到兩個常用語,一個是: back to square one,是指「一切從頭來過」;另一個常用語是: killer,這是形容「某樣東西或某件事很棒、很酷」。