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EPT 美語
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第十部 第九課: bite the dust , funky

  • 李華到 Larry 住的地方去送一本書,發現魚缸裡的金魚不見了.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: bite the dustfunky.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 疑?, Larry,你的金魚到哪兒去了?
  • Oh, he bit the dust yesterday. I found him floating in the tank. I'm really bummed out about it.
  • 你的金魚怎麼啦? Bit the dust? Bit 是 bite 的過去式.意思是「咬」;那 dust 是「塵土」的意思.咬塵土?哦~,你是說你的魚死啦?
  • That's right! That fish was a few years old, so I think he might have just died of old age.
  • 那只魚在你這兒好幾年啦?怪不得你顯得悶悶不樂的! Larry,那~要不要我陪你再去買一條金魚啊?
  • I'm thinking about going to buy a new fish today, but I want to clean out the tank first. I don't want the new fish to bite the dust, too.
  • 沒錯,買新的魚以前最好把魚缸打掃乾淨,不然啊,新的魚也可能會死掉的。
  • It's possible. I really don't want to take any chances.
  • 對,一條魚啊價錢也不便宜呢,可別冒風險.對了, Larry,你知道嗎? John 的奶奶幾天前去世了,那我是不是能說: She bit the dust the other day。
  • Wait a second, Li Hua, I don't think you want to say that your friend's grandma bit the dust. It's not very polite or respectful.
  • 哦~, bite the dust 這個說法用在人的身上啊是不禮貌的啊?哦!那我還真是得小心喔。
  • It's okay to say my fish bit the dust or some bad guy in a movie bit the dust, but you probably don't want to say that about your friend's family member.
  • 哦~,我懂了. To bite the dust 可以指魚,也可以指電影裡面的壞蛋,可是啊千萬不要在朋友的家人去世的時候用這個說法。
  • You've got it! Now let's go buy a fish.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Larry,你為什麼不買那條魚呢?它的鰭好大而且顏色好漂亮喔!我從來就沒見過色彩這麼鮮艷的魚呢!
  • Yeah, he is kind of funky. I don't think I've ever seen another fish like that either.
  • 等等,你說什麼是 funky 啊?是不是很酷的意思啊?
  • Funky has several meanings, but in this case, it means cool, unique, and unusual.
  • 哦~,在這裡, funky 就是指很酷、很獨特的意思.沒錯,這條魚啊真的很特別哎.這條魚放在你的魚缸裡一定很漂亮!
  • Hold on, that funky little fish is pretty expensive. Why don't we get a cheap little goldfish instead?
  • 小的金魚是便宜點,可是顏色就沒有這麼特別了啊!
  • I happen to like goldfish. I can buy one of those goldfish with the funky bubbles behind its eyes.
  • 你是說那條眼睛後面長了兩個大球的金魚啊?我還是喜歡那條很漂亮的魚,那條 funky fish。
  • Well, I appreciate your opinion, but this is going to be my fish.
  • 那也是喔,別聽我的.這是你的魚,你得天天看的. Larry,你看,那邊那個人穿的衣服真是與眾不同哎.我覺得好怪喔,是不是也是很 funky 啊?
  • Yeah, he definitely has his own sense of style. It looks as though he's here to buy a fish, too.
  • 對,每個人啊都有自己穿衣服的風格.說不定他會買那條很漂亮的魚喔!
  • That's a possibility. Now, come on, forget about that fish and help me pick out a goldfish, the funkier the better.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到兩個常用語,一個是: bite the dust,就是「死掉」的意思,不過通常不用在人身上,因為那樣說不太禮貌;另一個常用語是: funky,意思是「很酷很獨特」。
EPT 美語
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