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2025.02.15 16:10
第十部 第五課: boonies , country bumpkin
- Larry 和李華兩個人正開著車,準備到鄉下的一個農場去騎馬.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: boonies 和 country bumpkin.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Larry,我們要去的那個農場到底還有多遠啊?
- Unfortunately, it's way out in the boonies. It will take at least two hours to get there.
- 兩個小時?我的天啊!還要那麼久啊?我在車上已經坐的腰酸背痛了.對了,你說這個農場在 boonies,那是一個小鎮的名字嗎?
- No, "boonies" is a slang term for any place that is very far from any major city or town.
- 哦~, boonies 就是指離城市很遠的鄉下地方,也就是很偏僻的地方,我們中文裡說那些地方是「前不著村,後不搭店」。
- This farm is in the boonies, but I've heard that it's very beautiful and that they have really nice horses.
- 哇~,那兒風景很好,還有很好的馬,真是太棒了!要到這樣的地方去啊,車開多遠都無所謂!
- Yeah, I'm kind of excited about going horseback riding, too.
- 嘿,說真的, Larry,幸好啊我給我們兩個人準備了午餐,要不你想,在那種地方 - in the boonies - 大概啊連麥當勞都沒有哦!
- I'm not sure that's such a bad thing, Li Hua.
- 我知道,像麥當勞這種快餐店的東西啊,還是少吃為妙.不過,我的意思是,在那麼偏僻的地方啊,恐怕很難找到吃午飯的餐館吧.嘿! Larry,你看,那片田野好美喔!
- Yes, it is. It's really nice to get out of the city once in a while. I especially like driving on country roads. There's hardly any traffic out in the boonies.
- 就是啊!在鄉下開車啊,既能欣賞景色,享受新鮮的空氣,又不必擔心塞車.我已經好一會兒沒有看到其他車了.偶然出一次城啊,真是讓人心情開朗。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Larry,你覺不覺得那個在農場工作的女孩跟城市女孩很不一樣啊?她的穿著很樸素,臉上也沒有化裝,一點都沒有特意打扮的樣子呢。
- Yeah, she was definitely a country bumpkin. Were you able to understand her? She had a bit of a country accent.
- 嗯,我啊是有一點聽不太懂她說的話,她有一點鄉村口音.你說她是個 country bumpkin,那是什麼意思啊?
- A country bumpkin is someone who is from the countryside. The term usually refers to someone who is relatively simple and unsophisticated.
- Bumpkin 就是生活在農村那些很純樸的人.那, Larry,你有沒有在城市裡碰到過從農村來的人啊?
- Sometimes. The other day, there was a guy on the subway who was such a country bumpkin that he couldn't figure out how to buy a ticket. He said that he'd never been on a subway before!
- 那個人又沒有搭過地鐵,第一次當然不知道怎麼買地鐵票囉!我啊剛來美國的時候,我也不知道怎麼買地鐵票啊!
- That's true. Hey, Li Hua, do you know any country bumpkins?
- 我有一個住在鄉下的表姐.她和我那些住在都市裡的親戚啊很不一樣.我想她應該算是個 country bumpkin 吧!
- I have an uncle who owns a farm in Idaho. He's really a country bumpkin. He hates the city and he prefers to wear jeans and a cowboy hat. I think he'd rather ride a horse than the subway.
- 我還不知道你有個叔叔在愛達荷州.他還有個農場啊,真有意思哎!說不定,下回我們可以去你叔叔那兒玩,過過農村的生活,做個 country bumpkin!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語,第一個是: boonies,這是指「離開都市很遠的農村」;另外一個常用語是: country bumpkin ,這是「形容生活在農村的那些很純樸的人」。