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2025.02.17 02:55
十月份 第 20 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]
- (2010-10-28)------
- Indonesia Disasters Death Toll Rises
- 印尼災難死亡人數上升
- Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has visited areas affected by this week's earthquake and tsunami, in which the death toll has reached 343 and is expected to climb.
- 印度尼西亞總統蘇西洛‧班邦‧尤多約諾視察了本週地震和海嘯受災地區;地震和海嘯造成的死亡人數已經達到 343 人,預計這個數字還會增加。
- Rescue workers are carrying food, tents and clothing to survivors of the tsunami on the remote Mentawai islands, off Sumatra's western coast.
- 救援人員正在為蘇門答臘西海岸以外偏遠的明打威群島上海嘯的倖存者送去食物、帳篷和衣服。
- Disaster officials say they have found more bodies on the beaches of the Mentawais.
- 救災官員說,他們在明打威群島的海岸上發現了更多的屍體。
- Crews are searching for at least 338 people who have not been seen since a three-meter high wave struck the islands Monday.
- 救援人員正在搜尋至少 338 名失蹤者,他們是這些群島星期一遭到 3 米高的海嘯襲擊後失蹤的。
- Elsewhere in Indonesia, a volcano that killed 33 people and caused 40,000 people to flee their homes this week began erupting again Thursday, spewing hot gas and ash onto villages.
- 在印尼其他地區,這個星期導致 33 人死亡、4 萬人逃離家園的一座火山星期四再次噴發,向周圍的村落噴湧熱氣和火山灰。
- The European Union has pledged $2 million in aid for the survivors of Indonesia's latest natural disasters.
- 歐盟承諾為印尼這次自然災害的倖存者提供 2 百萬美元的援助。
- (2010-10-28)------
- ASEAN Leaders Focus on Economic Integration, Burma
- 東盟領導人關注經濟一體化和緬甸
- Southeast Asian leaders launched three days of meetings Thursday in Vietnam, with economic integration and Burma's upcoming elections among the most pressing issues being discussed.
- 東南亞國家領導人星期四在越南開始 3 天的會議;經濟一體化和緬甸即將舉行的選舉成為他們討論的最緊迫問題。
- Heads of state from the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, also hope to push for more regional cooperation to address concerns that many of their currencies have strengthened significantly, thus making their exports less competitive.
- 東盟 10 個成員國的政府首腦也希望推動更多的區域合作,解決東盟很多國家由於貨幣大幅升值而使其出口產品減少競爭力的問題。
- Surin Pitsuan, secretary general of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, said before the meetings in Hanoi that ASEAN nations must invest more in each other's countries.
- 東盟秘書長素林在河內會議之前表示,東盟國家必須增加相互之間的投資。
- The bloc has set a goal of establishing a European Union-type community by 2015.
- 東盟已經制定目標,在 2015 年前建立一個類似歐盟的共同體。
- The leaders are also expected to voice concerns about the November 7 election in Burma, where the ruling junta has sidelined opposition parties and barred outside observers and journalists.
- 預計東盟領導人還會對緬甸 11 月 7 日舉行的選舉表達關注;執政的緬甸軍政府排擠反對黨,並且禁止外國選舉觀察員和記者前往緬甸。
- ASEAN leaders will also meet with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who has expressed his own frustrations with Burma.
- 東盟領導人還將會晤聯合國秘書長潘基文,潘基文對緬甸局勢感到失望。