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2025.02.15 14:52
十月份 第 20 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2012-10-30)------
- Giant Storm Floods New York, Kills 14 in North America
- “桑迪” 颶風侵襲 紐約市遭水淹 北美已 14 人死亡
- The massive storm named Sandy has brought torrential rain, high winds and dangerous tidal surges to one of the nation's most densely populated regions and killing at least 14 people.
- 代號為 “桑迪” 的猛烈風暴給美國人口最稠密的地區之一帶來狂風暴雨和危險的海潮,並在北美造成至少 14 人死亡。
- Sandy - with winds still reaching 120 kilometers per hour - came ashore Monday with hurricane-strength winds some 200 kilometers south of New York, bringing a storm surge of four meters to lower Manhattan.
- “桑迪” 的風速仍然高達每小時 120 公里;星期一,“桑迪” 以大約每小時 200 公里的風速侵襲紐約市南面城區,下曼哈頓沿岸的海浪高達四米。
- The usually bustling city was brought to a halt. More than 1 million people in the area of the nation's largest city are without power.
- 平日繁忙的紐約陷於停頓狀態;在美國這座最大的城市,100 多萬人失去電力供應。
- More than 6 million homes and businesses along the U.S. east coast and farther inland are without power.
- 在美國東海岸及內陸地區,600 多萬個家庭和企業斷電。
- The center of the storm moved inland early Tuesday.
- 星期二清晨,風暴中心開始向內陸方向移動。
- A New Jersey nuclear power plant declared an alert after waters rose to a designated high-level mark.
- 由於水位上升到危險程度,新澤西州的一家核電廠宣佈進入警戒狀態。
- Officials said there were no safety concerns at the plant, which was shut off for maintenance.
- 有關官員說,這座核電廠因為維修而關閉,並不存在安全問題。
- The deaths were reported across the affected region, from the U.S. state of Maryland to the Canadian city of Toronto.
- 從美國的馬里蘭州到加拿大城市多倫多,都有人死於風暴的報導。
- Most of the fatalities resulted from falling trees or traffic accidents.
- 大多數死亡是因樹木倒下或交通事故造成的。
- Tunnels and streets in low-lying areas of New York City were flooded, including the construction site where the World Trade Center once stood.
- 紐約市低窪地區的隧道和街道遭到水淹,包括世界貿易中心遺址的建築工地;一些居民接到撤離命令。
- Some residents were ordered to evacuate. Cars in low-lying areas have been seen floating down the streets.
- 在一些低窪地區,可以看到汽車在街道上順水漂流。
- Other U.S. cities along the Eastern seaboard, including Washington, were also at a standstill, with public transit systems suspended, airports closed.
- 包括首都華盛頓在內的美國東岸地區各城市陷入停頓,城市的公共交通系統停止運營,機場也關閉。
- (2012-10-30)------
- UN Chief Says Open to Visiting North Korea
- 潘基文稱願意考慮訪問朝鮮
- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says he would consider a trip to North Korea as part of his efforts toward peace on the Korean peninsula.
- 聯合國秘書長潘基文說,他將考慮訪問朝鮮,作為爭取他實現朝鮮半島和平的努力的組成部分。
- Mr. Ban, a South Korean, made his comments Tuesday as he received the 2012 Seoul Peace Prize.
- 潘基文是韓國人;星期二,潘基文在接受 2012 年首爾和平獎時做出了上述表示。
- He also said he looks forward to the day when North Korea "heeds the international community's call" by giving up its nuclear weapons and improving the lives of its people.
- 潘基文還說,他期待有朝一日朝鮮會聽到國際社會的呼聲,放棄其核武器,並改善本國人民的生活。
- Mr. Ban was chosen for the Seoul Peace Prize because of what the selection committee called his "outstanding achievements in resolving and preventing international conflicts."
- 評選委員會說,潘基文在解決和防止國際衝突方面做出了傑出貢獻,因此授予他 2012 年首爾和平獎。
- He is the first Korean to receive the prize.
- 他(潘基文) 是第一位獲得首爾和平獎的韓國人。