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2024.09.09 06:43
第十三部 第九課: bad vibe , wake up call
- Larry 和李華在教室裏等 Jones 教授把改完的考卷發下來。今天李華會學到兩個常用語: bad vibe 和 wake up call。
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- Li Hua, I have a really bad vibe about this test.
- 你覺得你考的怎麼樣? Bad vibe?那是什麼意思啊?
- A vibe is a feeling. Since I don't think I did very well on this test, I have a bad vibe about the grade I am going to get.
- 哦~,vibe 就是一種感覺,你覺得你這一次的考試考得不好,所以有種不祥之兆,也就是你所說的 bad vibe。
- (Gets test back) Ooh. You see, my bad vibe was right. I got a C.
- 嗨,C 啊不算太糟啦,這門課很困難的,而且瓊斯教授批分數一貫都很嚴。
- Yeah, I actually had a bad vibe about this course before the class ever started. Some of my friends told me it was difficult and I'd have to work hard.
- 其實啊我在上這門課以前也有點擔心,因為上過這課的人都說這很難,要下很多功夫。
- So, what did you get?
- 嗯,我得到了 A。這次考試啊算是不錯,可是,我很擔心下個星期要交的那份報告。 I have a bad vibe about that paper.
- Why do you have a bad vibe about the paper?
- 因為我覺得用英文寫報告是最難的。英文不是我的母語,每次寫完英文報告啊,我總覺得好像有很多不通順的地方耶。
- Li Hua, you can always ask me or another student to look over your paper before your turn it in. I am sure you'll do fine. About that, I have a good vibe.
- 真的啊? Larry,你願意修改我的報告?喔~你真好,謝謝你。
- Uh-oh. I have a bad vibe about the look Professor Jones is giving us right now.
- 喔~,對,噓,瓊斯教授在看我們了,別說了,下課後再聊吧。
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- (After class) You know, Li Hua, getting a C on the test in Professor Jones' class was a real wake-up call.
- 你說拿了 C 是 wake-up call,疑?這個 wake-up call 不是叫人起床嗎?難道你在上課的時候睡覺啊?
- No, no, a wake-up call is not like an alarm clock that wakes you up from your sleep. What I meant was the grade I got woke me up to the fact that I have to work harder for this class.
- 哦~, wake-up call 在這裡不是指鬧鐘叫人起床,而是指一個警告。所以你是說,這次考試成績不好就提醒你要在這節課上加把勁,要更用功!
- Yeah! Professor Jones gave me a wake-up call in the form of a bad grade. Now that class is over, I'm going to go home and study. Hey! Li Hua! Look out for that bike!
- 哎喲!那個騎自行車的人差點兒就撞上我了。
- Yeah, that was a wake-up call for us to be more careful about walking across campus.
- 說的也是喔,這就提醒了我們,在校園裏走路啊也得小心注意,不然很可能會受傷的。
- We should be more careful. Say, Li Hua, where are you going now?
- 嗯~,我想利用下午沒有課的時間,到體育館的健身房去鍛鍊鍛鍊。
- Why the sudden interest in physical fitness? You don't usually go to the gym, do you?
- 嗨,別說了,你也知道我這個人從不上健身房的。還不是上回健康檢查的時候,醫生說我體重有點超重,所以囉,that was a wake-up call.
- You don't look overweight to me.
- Larry,你心地真好,還安慰我看起來不胖。其實啊我倒不是那麼在意外表看起來胖不胖,主要啊還是擔心肥胖會影響健康吧!
- And maybe it was a wake-up call that you and I shouldn't go out to have ice cream so often.
- 啊?什麼?你要我放棄吃冰淇淋?我願意每天上健身房,但是我一定得吃冰淇淋!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是: bad vibe,就是不好的感覺、不詳的預感。另一個常用語是: wake-up call,這是指一個提醒或者是警告。