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2025.02.15 14:31
十月份 第 02 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]
- (2010-10-04)------
- Nobel Prize in Medicine Goes to British Scientist
- 英國科學家獲諾貝爾醫學獎
- A British scientist has won the 2010 Nobel Prize in medicine for his work in developing in-vitro fertilization.
- 英國科學家羅伯特‧愛德華茲因為在研發體外受精領域作出的貢獻而榮獲 2010 年諾貝爾醫學獎。
- The prize committee in Sweden said Robert Edwards has helped millions of couples dealing with infertility, calling his work a milestone in modern medicine.
- 瑞典的諾貝爾委員會說,羅伯特‧愛德華茲幫助了數百萬患有不孕症的夫婦,稱他的工作是現代醫學的一個里程碑。
- Edwards, now 85 years old, developed the procedure that allows egg cells to be fertilized outside the body and then implanted in the womb.
- 現年 85 歲的愛德華茲開創了使卵子可以在人體外受精然後再放入子宮的手術。
- He began his work in the 1950s, and perfected the technique with colleague Patrick Steptoe, who died in 1988.
- 他在 1950 年代開始這項研究,並和他的同事帕特里克‧斯特普托完善了這項技術;斯特普托在 1988 年去世。
- The Nobel committee said as many as 4 million babies have been born through the procedure since the first so-called "test-tube baby" was born in 1978.
- 諾貝爾委員會說,自從 1978 年第一個所謂的“試管嬰兒”出生以來,已經有多達 4 百萬個嬰兒通過這個方式而誕生。
- (2010-10-04)------
- US, Japan Caution Travelers; Britain Hikes Terror Alert
- 美日告誡旅行者 英國升高警戒級別
- Japan, Britain and the United States are warning their citizens of possible terrorist attacks in Europe.
- 日本、英國和美國警告自己的公民說歐洲可能發生恐怖襲擊。
- Britain's security agency MI5 has upped the threat level from international terrorism in Britain to severe, indicating that a terrorist attack is highly likely.
- 英國情報局軍情五處把在英國的國際恐怖主義威脅程度升級到嚴重的級別,表明恐怖襲擊是非常有可能的。
- Japan's Foreign Ministry said Monday that travelers should be cautious when using public transportation and visiting tourist sites in Europe.
- 日本外務省週一表示,旅客在歐洲使用公共交通工具和參觀旅遊景點時應該小心謹慎。
- In Germany, the Interior Ministry said Monday there are no immediate indications of a terrorist attack against Germany.
- 德國內政部星期一說,還沒有即時的跡象表明有針對德國的恐怖襲擊。
- But on Sunday, both Washington and London issued warnings of potential attacks in Europe.
- 但是在星期日,華盛頓和倫敦都發佈了在歐洲可能發生恐怖襲擊的警戒。
- Britain warned its citizens of a "high" threat of terrorism in France and Germany.
- 英國警告它的公民說在法國和德國有“高”度的恐怖主義威脅。
- The U.S. State Department has cautioned Americans of possible strikes by al-Qaida and its affiliates on public transportation and other tourist infrastructure in Europe.
- 美國國務院警告美國人說,基地組織和它的附屬機構可能對歐洲的公共交通系統和其他旅遊基礎設施發動襲擊。