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2025.01.23 01:34
十一月份 第 11 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]
- (2010-11-15)------
- Russia, China, India Pledge Closer Cooperation
- 俄羅斯、中國和印度承諾加強合作
- The foreign ministers of China, Russia and India are lauding increased cooperation among their countries, and promising closer coordination on economic, security and environmental policies.
- 中國、俄羅斯和印度的外交部長對他們國家之間進行了更多的合作表示讚賞,並且承諾加強在經濟、安全以及環境政策方面的合作。
- The pledges were made in a communique at the end of a 1-day conference in Wuhan, China.
- 他們是在中國武漢舉行的一天會議結束之後發表的一個公報裏做出這些承諾的。
- It was the 10th annual meeting of foreign ministers from the three countries.
- 這是中、俄、印三國外長的第 10 次年度會議。
- The ministers said they share the goal of a "multi-polar, equitable and democratic world order," but stressed their cooperation "does not target any other country."
- 這三國的外長表示,他們有一個共同的目標,即一個“多方、平等和民主的世界秩序”,但是他們強調,他們之間的合作“並不針對任何國家”。
- They agreed that the global economic recovery remains "uneven, fragile, unbalanced."
- 他們認為,全球經濟恢復仍然“不一致、脆弱和不平衡”。
- They said the G20 group of 20 largest economies should be the "premier forum" for international economic cooperation.
- 他們說,由 20 個全球最大經濟體組成的 20 國集團應該是國際經濟合作的“最重要的論壇”。
- They also called for continued international adherence to the principles of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- 他們還呼籲國際社會繼續遵守《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》的原則。
- (2010-11-15)------
- Holbrooke: Lisbon Summit is "Turning Point" on Afghanistan
- 霍爾布魯克:里斯本峰會是阿富汗問題 “轉捩點”
- The U.S. Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan said Monday the U.S. will present its transition plan for Afghanistan at the NATO summit in Lisbon later this week.
- 美國的阿富汗和巴基斯坦問題特使霍爾布魯克星期一表示,美國將在本週晚些時候在里斯本舉行的北約峰會上提出其阿富汗的過渡計劃。
- The French news agency reports Richard Holbrooke says he believes the summit in Portugal's capital will be a "turning point" in U.S. policies in Afghanistan.
- 法新社報道,霍爾布魯克表示相信,在葡萄牙首都舉行的這次峰會將是美國阿富汗政策的一個“轉捩點”。
- Holbrooke stressed that the U.S. combat mission will not end in Afghanistan until 2014, but troop drawdowns will begin next year in July.
- 霍爾布魯克強調,美國在阿富汗的作戰任務要到 2014 年才能結束,但是明年 7 月將開始逐步減少美國在阿富汗的駐軍。
- Meanwhile, a public disagreement between Afghan's president and the commander of the U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan has been reported in a leading U.S. newspaper.
- 與此同時,美國一家主要報紙報道了阿富汗總統卡爾扎伊和美國及北約駐阿富汗最高指揮官之間的公開分歧。
- The Washington Post says General David Petraeus has expressed his "astonishment and disappointment" about comments Afghan President Hamid Karzai made in an interview Saturday with the Washington newspaper.
- 《華盛頓郵報》說,彼得雷烏斯將軍對阿富汗總統卡爾扎伊上星期六在接受《華盛頓郵報》採訪時所發表的看法表示“驚訝和失望”。
- Mr. Karzai told The Washington Post he wants the U.S. to reduce the visibility and intensity of its military operation in Afghanistan.
- 卡爾扎伊對《華盛頓郵報》說,他希望美國減少其在阿富汗軍事行動的曝光度和強度。
- The Afghan president also said he wants the U.S. to stop night raids that he says aggravate Afghans and could incite some people to join the Taliban insurgency.
- 阿富汗總總統(卡爾扎伊) 還說,他要求美國停止夜間突襲;他認為這樣做會激怒阿富汗人,鼓動一些人加入塔利班反叛組織。