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2025.01.15 01:41
第八部 第六課: to go off on someone , what's the deal
- 李華剛下課,走出課堂就碰上了 Larry.李華在和 Larry 談話中會學到兩個常用語: to go off on someone 和 what's the deal.
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- 嘿~, Larry,你剛剛下課啊?哎,對了,我剛好要問你,今天你有沒有見到 Dave?
- Dave? No, I haven't seen him anywhere since professor Jones went off on him yesterday morning.
- Jones 教授對 Dave 怎麼啦?你說他 went off on Dave? 那是甚麼意思啊?
- To go off on someone means to suddenly get very angry at someone. "To go off " can mean "to explode"- for instance, something like a bomb or a gun can go off.
- 哦~, to go off on someone 就是突然對某個人大發脾氣,就好像炸彈爆炸、槍支開火那樣.那, Jones 教授為甚麼突然對 Dave 大發脾氣呢?
- Dave asked Professor Jones if he could turn in a paper a few days late, and Professor Jones just went off on him.
- Dave 怎麼經常要求晚幾天交報告呢?唉,也難怪啊 Jones 教授要 go off on him,對他發脾氣了.哎,Larry,你可不可以再給我舉幾個 go off on someone 的例子呢!
- Hmm, let me think. I remember when I was in Beijing I tried to pay a taxi driver, and he went off on me for several minutes. I had no idea why he was so angry. It turned out, what I gave him was a counterfeit note.
- 你給出租車司機假鈔票,那他當然要對你大發脾氣囉!
- Li Hua, have you ever gone off on someone here in the U.S.?
- 嗯~,我啊,我英文還不是很好,不敢輕易和人吵架.哎,我只有對我過去那個同屋啊發了好幾次脾氣,因為啊她實在太髒,而且啊,她還想偷偷搬出去,就是為了想賴掉一個月的房租呢!
- She tried to cheat you out of a month's rent? If my roommate did that, I wouldn't just go off on him, I'd take him to court!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- So anyway, what's the deal with Professor Jones lately? He always seems to be in a bad mood.
- What's the deal? 你在說甚麼啊? deal 不是交易的意思嗎?你是問我, Jones 教授在和甚麼人做交易啊?
- No, no, no, Li Hua. When I ask "what's the deal", I mean "what is the situation?" I was asking why he is in a bad mood.
- 哦~,我知道了, what's the deal 就像我們中文裡常說的「怎麼回事兒」.你剛才是問我, Jones 教授心情不好到底是怎麼回事兒.嗯,我聽說啊,他對今年沒能升上正教授的職位好像挺失望的。
- Really? What's the deal with that? He's been in this department for years!
- 就是啊! Jones 教授在我們繫上教書也有好多年了,不給他提升,究竟是怎麼回事,誰也不知道。
- That seems to be unfair. Well, Li Hua, what's the deal tomorrow night? Is everyone still planning to go together to that concert?
- 嗯,明天晚上啊是這樣,我呢和另外三個同學會去聽演唱會,可是我的車出問題了,現在還在修車廠呢.哎,Larry,我們能不能搭你的車去啊?
- Well, here's the deal: I've got class until six thirty tomorrow, and the concert is at eight. It's probably best if you meet me here at school, since I might not have enough time to pick you all up.
- 哼~,你明天 6 點半才下課,演唱會 8 點就開始.對,要你去接我們啊,恐怕是來不及.那就照你說的吧,我們到學校來等你!喔,對了, Ed 他明天不想去,他和 Jill 剛剛分手,不想和 Jill 見面。
- Really? What's the deal with those two? I thought they were really happy together, but I heard that Jill went off on Ed the other night.
- 他們倆到底是怎麼回事兒?誰知道!大家啊都以為他們在一起很高興. Jill 那天晚上對 Ed 大發脾氣是因為 Ed 沒跟她商量啊就決定明年要到國外去唸書。
- Oh well. That's too bad. Anyway, the deal tomorrow is you and your friends will meet me here at school, and we'll all leave together. OK?
- 沒問題,那就明天晚上在校園見囉!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到兩個常用語,一個是: to go off on someone,意思是「突然對某人大發脾氣」;另一個常用語是:what's the deal,這是指「什麼情況?、怎麼回事?」。