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2025.01.23 00:54
第八部 第十一課: to blow it , to wing it
- Larry 和李華兩個人正在做菜,準備一會兒帶到朋友家參加 party .今天李華會學到兩個常用語: to blow it 和 to wing it.
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- Larry,那是甚麼味道?(sniffing) .........哎呀,糟糕了啦!是豬排烤焦了啦!
- What? Oh no! I ruined them. They're stuck to the bottom of the pot. I blew it!
- 你在說甚麼啊!你是把豬排烤焦了,又沒有吹壞甚麼東西!你怎麼說 blow it 呢?
- When I said "I blew it", I meant that I ruined the whole dish. To "blow it" means to make a mistake that leads to total failure, or ruins a good opportunity.
- 哦~,原來 blow it 是指犯了錯,把事情啊搞砸了,或者錯過了一個大好的機會.你啊!還真是把這道豬排給搞砸了.這樣吧!給你個將功補過的機會,再給我舉個 blow it 的例子吧!
- Well, the other day I was playing pool with Jack. I was just two shots away from winning, but then I blew it. I sunk the eight ball and lost.
- 哈哈!你啊玩台球輸給了 Jack,八成啊是你太有自信,所以才會在最後關頭輸掉了。
- And last week, I finally got a date with that girl from my international relations class, but I blew it. I took a nap, overslept, and showed up at her place an hour and a half late.
- 哎喲~,Larry,你幾個星期來一直要約那個女孩出去玩.終於約到了,你怎麼會睡過頭,還遲到一個半小時呢!我看你啊!你真是砸了這個好機會。
- Yeah, well, it wasn't as bad as when you had that job opportunity last week and blew it!
- 喲~,你說到我頭上來啦!我沒有拿到那份工作又不是我的錯!我怎麼知道他們在我的電話裡留了言呢。
- That's because you forgot to check it. That was a really good job, too, and you blew it!
- 我沒有聽電話留言,就算是我 blew it。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 哎,Larry,現在可怎麼辦啊?我們一個小時後就得到 Jane 的家裡了,可是我們一道菜也沒做好!
- Well, we'll just have to wing it.
- Wings? 你是說雞翅膀?可是我們已經沒有時間到店裡去買了啊!
- No, no, Li Hua, I said we have to wing (it). That means we'll have to do the best we can with limited time and resources.
- 哦~,原來 to wing it 是說在有限的時間和條件下盡量拼湊.嗯,好吧!那你有甚麼好辦法啊?
- Let me see, what do you have in the fridge? (sound of fridge opening) Hmm, there's some tofu in here, and some green onions. And there's all these jars of weird Chinese sauces. Maybe we can wing it by making some kind of tofu dish.
- 嗯,讓我看看.......!這兒啊有豆腐,有蔥,還有... 讓我看看這瓶子裡是甚麼啊 ... 喔!四川辣醬!哎,得了,我們可以做麻辣豆腐,這道菜啊又快又容易,只要把豆腐切塊啊,再切些青蔥,半個小時就可以完工囉!
- O.K., let's get to work. (sound of sink/cooking sounds). This is a great idea. People will love it, and no one will even notice that we're winging it.
- 沒有人啊會看出我們是臨時湊出這道菜的.哎,所以 Larry,to wing it 是不是只能夠用在臨時把東西放在一塊兒,就像做菜呢?
- Not always. For instance, when I covered for Jack and taught his history 101 students last week, I didn't have time to prepare for the class, so I just winged it.
- 你替 Jack 上課,可是事前沒有時間備課.疑?那你是怎麼臨時備好課的呢?
- I read the reading assignment just an hour before class began. The students knew I was winging it, but they were very understanding.
- 啊~,上課前一小時看看指定閱讀些甚麼材料,你就去上課啦!那學生當然知道你是在湊合囉!
- Li Hua, pay attention to your cooking, don't blow it this time!
- 你放心,你沒看見我老守在爐子邊嗎! 我啊絕不會 blow it !
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語,一個是: to blow it,意思是「把事情搞砸了」,或者是「錯過一個很好的機會」.另一個常用語是: to wing it,是指「在有限的時間和條件下,臨時拼湊完成一件工作」。