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2025.01.23 03:02
第八部 第十課: bling , booze
- Larry 和李華在書店裡看書.李華在看一本流行時裝雜誌.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: bling 和 booze.
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- I just found an interesting book on World War II. What are you reading, Li Hua?
- 我啊,我在看一本時裝雜誌,他們啊在批評茱莉亞羅勃茲,說她在奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,戴了太多的 bling.疑? Larry,甚麼是 bling啊?
- Oh, that's a new word for really big, shiny jewelry. Usually, a bling or a bling-bling is a piece of jewelry that has big diamonds.
- 哦~,我懂了, bling 就是指又大又亮的珠寶首飾,通常啊還鑲有鑽石的首飾.哎, Larry,你看喔,在這張照片裡,茱莉亞羅勃茲戴了長長的鑽石耳環,還有鑽石項鏈,再加上大手鐲.哎喲~,真的,太多 bling-bling 啦!
- Yeah, that is a lot of shiny jewelry, but I thought girls liked that sort of thing. Don't you wish you had a lot of bling?
- 我想是吧.哪個女人不喜歡亮晶晶的珠寶呢!不過啊我覺得,一次戴太多的珠寶好像有點過份哎.Larry,你說呢?
- I'm not the best person to ask for fashion advice. To me, all that bling is really just a bunch of expensive rocks that don't do anything.
- 你說的沒錯啦.這些亮晶晶的珠寶啊,說穿了,還不就是些昂貴的石頭.對了,Larry,bling 除了用來形容首飾以外,我能不能把一件亮晶晶的禮服也說是 bling 呢?
- I haven't heard the word used that way. I think that bling only refers to jewelry.
- 哦~,原來, bling 只能用來形容珠寶首飾啊.Larry,你看,這張照片裡啊,妮可基曼戴的戒指真漂亮.雜誌說,這個戒指啊至少價值一百萬美元呢!
- That has to be the biggest ring I have ever seen. I can't imagine spending a million dollars on a rock!
- 你們男人啊!永遠也不會理解為甚麼女人要花這麼多錢買珠寶首飾.這種事只有女人才懂啦!
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- 哎,Larry,這篇文章說 "Booze on College Campuses." .大學校園裡的 booze! Booze 是一種毒品嗎?
- Booze is another word for alcohol, like beer or whiskey.
- 哦~,原來 booze 在這裡指的是酒啊!這一篇文章說很多美國大學裡都有學生酗酒的問題,不只危害學生的身體健康,有的時候還會導致意外呢,這是真的嗎?
- Sadly, many college students drink a lot of booze. They study during the week and then they go to parties on the weekends. Booze is a major part of most college parties.
- 是哎!我也注意到了,很多美國大學生喜歡在週末開 party,那,總是少不了酒.對了,Larry,是不是所有的酒都可以稱為 booze?那,葡萄酒是不是也算 booze 呢?
- Yes, wine can be called booze, and so can rum and vodka.
- 哦~,這麼說, booze 可以指葡萄酒,也可以指烈酒.Larry,你是不是也經常參加派對,喝酒狂歡啊?
- Very funny, Li Hua. You know I don't have enough time to go to many parties. I do drink booze once in a while, but not all the time.
- 嗯,偶爾啊喝一點酒其實還可以.我呢比較喜歡喝葡萄酒,其他的酒啊我就不感興趣了.你呢?你喜歡喝什麼樣的酒?
- Well, I prefer to drink beer. Stronger booze will give me a headache the next day.
- 我也不愛喝烈酒,除了像你說的啊,喝多了會頭疼,我覺得啊烈酒喝起來有汽油的味道呢。
- You might as well not to drink it!
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- 今天李華學到兩個常用語,第一個是: bling,或者可以說 bling-bling,這是指「又大又亮的珠寶首飾」.李華學到的另一個常用語是: booze,這是指喝的「酒」,包括各式各樣的酒。