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2025.01.23 01:18
第八部 第十三課: flunk , lose sleep over
- 李華正在家裡批改中文班學生的考卷. Larry 來找他.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: flunk 和 lose sleep over.
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- 唉!這兩個學生啊又不及格了.這個學期啊他們已經是第三次考試不及格了!
- What? You're flunking them? I thought I told you to go easy on your poor students.
- 你在說甚麼啊? flunk them? 甚麼是 flunk?
- I said you are going to flunk the students. That means you're going to give them a failing grade.
- 哦~, flunk 就是給他們不及格的分數啊,那你還真說對了呢.你看看他們的考卷!這能及格嗎?
- Heh, let me see... whoa, that guy even wrote his own Chinese name wrong! If he can't (even) get that right, he's almost definitely going to flunk!
- 就是嘛!連自己的中文名都寫錯了,我只能給他不及格了.等等,Larry,你先是說我 flunk 這些學生,給他們不及格,現在又說他們自己要 flunk.這,這到底是誰要 flunk 誰啊?
- The word flunk can mean both "to give a failing grade to" as well as "to fail a course". So if you flunk that student, he will flunk the class. Got it?
- 哦~,我懂了, flunk 既可以指給學生不及格的分數,也可以指學生自己考不及格. Larry,你自己是不是也有過不及格的時候啊?
- What? No way! ...well, almost. Actually, I almost flunked my first beginner's Chinese class. But I managed to pass with a C.
- 我的天啊!你只拿到 C?你啊!八成和我這些學生一樣懶散,不認真.我要是你的中文老師,絕對讓你不及格的!
- Hey, I did my best! My first Chinese teacher even tutored me on her own free time. If it weren't for her, I would have flunked!
- 嗯,那啊是你運氣,老師願意幫你補課.我也願意幫這些學生補習啊,可是他們經常連課都不來上,我能怎麼辦啊?
- They don't come to class? What a couple of idiots. Well, go ahead and flunk them, then.
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- 唉!我真的不知道該怎麼處理那兩個學生的成績。
- Yeah, I'd go ahead and just flunk them. Don't lose any sleep over it, they deserve it.
- 你要我別怎麼啦?睡不著覺?哎,你在說甚麼啊?
- When I say lose sleep over something, I mean not to worry about it a lot.
- 哦~,你這麼說啊我就懂了.Lose sleep over something 就是說你非常擔心某件事,而到了睡不著覺的地步.Larry,你真以為我會為這兩個學生擔心到失眠呀?
- Of course not. When we use this phrase, we are just exaggerating. I know you won't really lose sleep over something like this.
- 原來, lose sleep over 是有點誇張的說法.我啊雖然還不到失眠的程度.可是有的時候我真覺得當一個老師壓力好大,有好多責任呢!
- Most of your students seem to be doing pretty well, right? You aren't losing any sleep over the other students, are you?
- 沒有啊!我有一些學生啊是非常聰明,也很用功呢。
- That's good. That means the other two students are just irresponsible. There's no need to lose sleep over them failing your class.
- 對啦,就這兩個學生有問題.他們不及格啊也是他們自己的責任.Larry,我聽說你前幾天回絕了一個工作機會.怎麼回事兒呀?
- That? Oh, I'm not losing any sleep over that decision. I just don't have time for that job, I had no other choice.
- 沒事就好.時間太緊張啊就別再給自己增加負擔了.
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