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2025.02.15 15:56
十月份 第 03 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]
- (2009-10-05)------
- Suicide Bomber Kills 5 at WFP Offices in Pakistan
- 世界糧食計劃署駐巴基斯坦辦公室發生自殺爆炸五人死亡
- Pakistani police say a suicide bomber has set off a blast at the World Food Program office in the capital Islamabad, killing at least five people.
- 巴基斯坦警方說,一名自殺炸彈手在巴基斯坦首都伊斯蘭堡的聯合國世界糧食計劃署辦公樓引爆炸彈,造成至少五人喪生。
- WFP officials said three Pakistanis and one Iraqi national are among the dead.
- 聯合國世界糧食計劃署官方人員表示,死者包括三名巴基斯坦人和一名伊拉克人。
- They say several others were wounded, some in critical condition.
- 他們說,其他一些人受傷,部分傷者情況相當嚴重。
- Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik said a bomber wearing a security guard uniform apparently asked to use the office restroom before detonating about eight kilograms of explosives in the lobby.
- 巴基斯坦內政部長拉赫曼‧馬利克說,自殺炸彈兇手顯然身穿保安制服要求使用辦公室的廁所,然後引爆了大約八公斤的炸藥。
- U.N. officials denounced the attack and temporarily closed their offices in Pakistan.
- 聯合國官員譴責這次的攻擊行動,並暫時關閉了他們在巴基斯坦所有的辦公室。
- The program is active across Pakistan and recently provided food aid to many of the two million civilians displaced by fighting in the Swat Valley region.
- 聯合國世界糧食計劃署在巴基斯坦各地都很活躍;他們最近向斯瓦特山谷地區的很多民眾提供了糧食援助。那個地區有大約兩百多萬平民因戰亂而流離失所。
- No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, but Malik blamed Taliban militants retaliating for military operations in Swat and the Taliban dominated tribal areas.
- 目前尚未有任何組織表示對此次襲擊負責,不過,巴基斯坦內政部長拉赫曼‧馬利克認為這次爆炸是塔利班製造的,目的是要對政府對斯瓦特地區以及塔利班控制的部落地區發動軍事攻勢進行報復。
- On Sunday, the new leader of the Pakistani Taliban who was rumored to have been killed, pledged new attacks during talks with reporters in his South Waziristan stronghold.
- 星期天,巴基斯坦塔利班的新領導人在南瓦濟里斯坦的據點與記者談話時誓言要發動新的攻擊;之前有傳言說這位新領導人已經被殺了。
- (2009-10-05)------
- Afghan Officials Expect Final Results in Presidential Election Next Week
- 阿富汗官員預期下星期公佈總統選舉最後結果
- Afghan election officials say workers are recounting some of the ballots from the disputed August 20th presidential election and should be ready to formally declare a winner by late next week.
- 阿富汗選舉官員說,計票人員現在正針對 8 月 20 日具爭議性的總統大選進行部分重新計票,最後結果應該會在下星期週末之前正式揭曉。
- Controversy surrounds the poll with allegations of rampant fraud and vote-rigging.
- 圍繞 8 月 20 號的選舉充滿了爭議,有人指責說,選舉期間出現了大規模舞弊和買票現象。
- Independent monitors have said one third of all ballots are suspicious.
- 獨立監察員說,有三分之一的選票相當可疑。
- Unofficial tallies indicate President Hamid Karzai leads with about 54 percent of the vote.
- 非官方的計票結果一致顯示總統哈米德‧卡爾扎伊領先,獲得大約 54 % 的選票。
- If his lead dips below 50 percent, he could face top challenger Abdullah Abdullah in a runoff.
- 如果卡爾扎伊的票數低於 50 %,那麼他可能將面臨最大的挑戰者阿卜杜拉的挑戰,進行決選。
- The deputy director of the Afghan election commission told reporters Monday that the recount should take a few days and final results should be ready by the end of next week.
- 阿富汗選舉委員會副主任星期一告訴記者,重新計票還要再花幾天的時間,最後結果應該會在下星期週末之前揭曉。
- The contentious vote count comes as the Obama administration is conducting a broad review of the overall war strategy.
- 在阿富汗重新計算具有爭議性的選票的同時,美國總統歐巴馬政府正針對整體阿富汗戰爭策略進行全面審查。
- Since Saturday, 10 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, including eight who perished in an assault by hundreds of militant fighters on two outposts in rural Nuristan province.
- 自上星期六起,已經有 10 名美軍在阿富汗陣亡,其中八名美軍死於激進份子的突擊;數百名武裝激進份子對美軍在努利斯坦利省的兩個前哨發動襲擊。