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EPT 美語
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第八部 第五課: to tick someone off , get lost

  • Larry 和李華正在圖書館裡看書,在他們旁邊有個學生在用手機打電話.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: to tick someone offget lost.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • It really ticks me off when people talk so loudly in the library. Don't they realize that other people are trying to study?
  • 就是嘛,在圖書館裡這麼大聲說話,真討厭!疑,Larry,你說 tick me off ,那是甚麼意思啊?
  • That person ticks me off means he irritates me. To tick someone off is to annoy or irritate someone.
  • 哦~, to tick someone off 就是「惹人生氣、讓人討厭」的意思啊.沒錯!那個傢伙說話這麼大聲,害我不能專心看書,哎, Larry,我們是不是該跟他說說啊?
  • No, that's okay. I think he's leaving now anyway. Thank God. Besides, that would be a rude thing to say to someone's face.
  • 對喔,當眾要他小聲點好像也太厲害、不夠禮貌囉.哎,你看他要走了.啊,謝天謝地.哎,Larry,你知道還有甚麼事 tick me off,惹我生氣的嗎?
  • What ticks you off, Li Hua?
  • 哼!Smith 教授啊在這個假期裡給我們安排這麼多作業,真是氣人哎!這樣我們根本沒有機會好好休息嘛!
  • Yeah, that ticks me off, too, but there's nothing we can do about it. What else ticks you off?
  • 說的也是喔,我啊再抱怨,作業還是得做.嗯~,還有甚麼事讓我生氣的啊?哎,對了,我那個同屋啊常常三更半夜才回家,每次都把我吵醒,我一生氣啊就怎麼也睡不著了!
  • No wonder you look so tired lately. You should really talk to your roommate about that. You need to sleep.
  • 我看起來很累的樣子,是不是啊?哎喲,真糟糕.我是該跟她好好談談,可是這種事情真的很難開口嘛!
  • You can just very politely tell her that it really ticks you off when she comes home so late and ask her to try and be more quiet.
  • 啊~,很禮貌地告訴她,她那麼晚回來讓我生氣?讓她小聲一點?唉~,我得好好想想啊該怎麼說才不會讓她生氣. I don't want to tick her off.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Hey, Li Hua, you're still looking really tired today. Didn't you talk to your roommate?
  • 唉喲,別提了,我和我同屋說了啊!可是她叫我 get lost.哎, Larry, get lost 那是甚麼意思啊?
  • That's so rude! "Get lost" is a rude way of telling someone to leave. She told you in a very rude way to leave her alone.
  • 啊~,昨天她說的時候是很不高興的樣子,可是啊我當時不懂甚麼是 get lost.喝!原來是叫我走開,別煩她的意思啊.這可真是粗魯哎.那,我現在該怎麼辦呢?
  • Next time she comes home at 2 a.m., I would tell her to get lost and find somewhere else to sleep.
  • 啊~,下次她再晚回家,你讓我也對她說 get lost,叫她到別處睡去.那怎麼行啊?
  • I know, but she deserves it. Maybe you can look for another roommate. She doesn't sound like a nice person to live with.
  • 嗯!你說得沒錯.等我啊找到一個新的同屋,就把她給踢出去.到那個時候啊,我就可以對她說 get lost !
  • That's right. I'm sure you'll tick her off.
  • 她要生氣,那真是活該了.哎,對了,Larry,我們剛才啊應該對那個打電話的人說 get lost,對不對?
  • We could, but that would be kind of rude. Try not to use "get lost" too much unless you are kidding with someone.
  • 哦~,開玩笑的時候也可以說啊.OK, Larry, get lost!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到兩個常用語,一個是: to tick someone off,意思是「惹人生氣討人厭」.李華學到的另一個常用語是: get lost.意思是「叫人走開,別來煩我」的意思.這是一種非常粗魯的說法。
EPT 美語
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