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2025.02.15 14:33
十月份 第 20 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2006-10-27)------
- Report: Iran Expands Nuclear Program
- 報告:伊朗擴大濃縮鈾行動
- Iran is reported to have expanded its nuclear program - despite the threat of United Nations sanctions.
- 據報導,儘管聯合國發出制裁的威脅,伊朗還是擴大了其核項目。
- Iran's semi-official student news agency (ISNA) says nuclear engineers have begun operating a second network of centrifuges at a uranium enrichment facility.
- 伊朗半官方的學生通訊社說,核工程師已經在一個濃縮鈾設施開始操作第二組離心系統。
- The report Friday quotes sources as saying gas had been fed into the second system this week and that the results of the process already had been obtained.
- 報導星期五援引消息人士的話說,工程人員這個星期已經向第二組系統中注入了氣體,並已從相關程序中獲得了結果。
- The report also says uranium had not yet been put into the system, but could be in the next few days.
- 報導還說,他們還沒有把鈾輸入系統中,但是可能會在幾天內完成。
- On Wednesday, Tehran confirmed it had installed new equipment to step up uranium enrichment work.
- 德黑蘭星期三證實,他們確實安裝了新設備,加快濃縮鈾的提取工作。
- Britain, France and Germany have proposed a draft U.N. Security Council resolution that would impose sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program and refusal to suspend enrichment activities.
- 英國、法國和德國已經提出一項聯合國安理會決議草案.決議草案要求對伊朗實施制裁,懲罰伊朗從事核項目及拒絕中止濃縮鈾活動的行為。
- (2006-10-27)------
- Japan Stops Activists from Reaching Disputed Islands
- 日阻保釣人士登陸爭議群島
- Japan's coast guard says it has prevented a boat carrying ethnic Chinese activists from landing on a disputed chain of islands.
- 日本海岸警衛隊說,他們阻止了一艘載有華人活動人士的船隻在有爭議的群島登陸。
- A coast guard spokesman said Japanese patrol ships first warned the vessel to steer clear of the islands in the East China Sea Friday and then sprayed it with water.
- 日本海岸警衛隊一位發言人說,日本巡邏艇星期五先是警告這艘船隻不要進入東海的這片島嶼,後來又向這艘船隻噴水。
- Officials say the boat has left the area, about 200 kilometers northeast of Taiwan.
- 有關官員說,這艘船隻已經離開了位於台灣東北大約200公里處的水域。
- About 25 activists had set sail from Hong Kong Sunday with plans to protest Japan's claim of sovereignty over the islands - known as "Senkaku" in Japan and "Diaoyu" in China.
- 大約有25名活動人士星期天從香港乘船出發,計劃前往日本稱為尖閣列島和中國稱為釣魚島,抗議日本對這些島嶼宣稱主權。
- Both China and Taiwan also claim the island chain, which is surrounded by rich fishing grounds and possible oil deposits.
- 中國和台灣也宣稱對那些島嶼擁有主權.那裡有豐富的漁業資源,還可能蘊藏有石油。
- Japan took control of the islands in 1895 when it colonized Taiwan. The U.S. held the islands following World War Two and returned them to Japan in 1972.
- 日本1895年殖民台灣時佔領了這些島嶼,二戰之後美國獲得控制權,後在1972年把它們交還給日本。