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2025.02.15 14:44
十月份 第 20 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][06]
- (2007-10-26)------
- More Chinese-Made Toys Recalled in US Over Excessive Lead
- 美國召回更多含鉛過量中國製玩具
- The U.S. government has recalled more Chinese-made toys from the marketplace because of excessive amounts of lead.
- 美國政府宣佈從商場召回更多中國製造的玩具,原因是這些玩具的含鉛量過高。
- The Consumer Product Safety Commission announced the recall Thursday of 665-thousand toys from various manufacturers.
- 美國消費者產品安全委員會星期四宣佈召回多個廠家製造的多達 66 萬 5 千件玩具。
- The recall includes 38-thousand toy boats made in China for Fisher-Price, a subsidiary of U.S. toy maker Mattel.
- 這一召回行動包括為費雪公司製造的 3 萬 8 千件玩具船.費雪是美國玩具公司美泰下屬的一家公司。
- Mattel has recalled tens of millions of toys manufactured by Chinese vendors because of high levels of lead, which is toxic if ingested by young children.
- 由於含鉛量過高,美泰總共召回了數以百萬計的中國製造的玩具.含鉛量過高的玩具如果被幼童吞食會引起中毒。
- The other toys recalled Thursday include buckets, children's gardening tools, flashing rings and children's jewelry.
- 星期四被宣佈召回的其它玩具包括玩具桶、兒童用的庭園工具、閃光戒指,以及一些兒童首飾。
- Other Chinese-made products have been recalled in the United States this year because of safety concerns. They include pet food, tires, toothpaste and baby cribs.
- 產品安全問題還導致美國今年召回了中國製造的寵物食品、汽車輪胎、牙膏和嬰兒床。
- (2007-10-26)------
- Philippine Ex-President Freed After Six-Year Detention
- 菲前總統被軟禁六年後獲釋
- Ousted Philippine President Joseph Estrada emerged from house detention Friday as a free man, after President Gloria Arroyo pardoned him of corruption charges Thursday.
- 被罷黜的前菲律賓總統埃斯特拉達星期五結束軟禁,以一個自由人的身份重新露面;菲律賓總統阿羅約星期四赦免了他面臨的腐敗指控。
- Estrada was convicted of corruption and sentenced to life in prison.
- 埃斯特拉達被判犯有腐敗罪,並被判處終身監禁。
- The former leader said his first act as a free man will be to visit his ailing 102-year old mother in Manila.
- 這名前總統說,他獲得自由後要做的第一件事就是拜訪 102 歲高齡、身體不佳的母親。
- He had spent more than six years in detention.
- 他已經被拘禁了 6 年多。
- Presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye said Mr. Estrada was pardoned after he publicly agreed not to run again for office.
- 總統發言人伊格納西奧.布尼耶說,埃斯特拉達公開答應不再參加競選公職後獲得赦免。
- Bunye also said it is the government's policy to release inmates who have reached the age of 70.
- 布尼耶還說,釋放年齡達到 70 歲的囚犯是菲律賓政府的政策。
- He also noted that Mr. Estrada has already served six years in detention, much of it under house arrest.
- 他還說,埃斯特拉達已經在押 6 年,其中大部份時間被軟禁。
- The pardon will restore Mr. Estrada's civil and political rights.
- 這項赦免令將恢復埃斯特拉達的公民和政治權利。