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八月份 第 07 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-08-09)------

  • Japan Nuclear Anniversary
  • 日本舉行遭受原子彈轟炸年度儀式
  •   Nagasaki Marks 68th Anniversary of US Atomic Bombing.
  • 日本城市長崎紀念美國對該市進行原子彈轟炸 68 週年。

  •   The Japanese city of Nagasaki has observed the 68th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing that reduced the city to rubble and ended Word War Two.
  • 長崎在那次轟炸中被夷為平地,第二次世界大戰也隨之結束。

  •   Nagasaki Mayor Tomihisa Taue criticized the Japanese government at a ceremony Friday for refusing to sign a statement rejecting the use of nuclear weapons.
  • 在星期五舉行的紀念儀式上,長崎市長田上富久批評日本政府拒絕簽署一項反對使用核武器的聲明。

  •   The statement was offered at an international disarmament meeting in April.
  • 這項聲明是在今年 4 月舉行的一次國際裁軍會議上提出的。

  •   The United States dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, killing about 140,000 people.
  • 1945 年 8 月 6 日,美國在廣島投下一枚原子彈,造成大約 14 萬人死亡。

  •   Days later, on August 9, Nagasaki was hit by a second nuclear bomb that killed about 70,000.
  • 同年 8 月 9 日,美國又在長崎投下另一枚原子彈,導致大約 7 萬人死亡。

  •   Hiroshima held an observance of the first bombing on Tuesday.
  • 星期二,廣島舉行了紀念原子彈轟炸 68 週年儀式。

  •   Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told a crowd of about 50,000 that Japan has a unique responsibility to push for the end of nuclear weapons.
  • 日本首相安倍晉三對大約 5 萬民眾說,日本負有推動結束核武器的特殊責任。


  • (2013-08-09)------

  • E-mail Service Linked to Snowden Suspends Service
  • 斯諾登使用的電郵服務中斷
  •   An encrypted e-mail service in the United States, believed to have been used by U.S. leaker Edward Snowden, has shut down in what appears to be response to pressure from the government.
  • 美國洩密者斯諾登使用的美國加密電子郵件服務已經被關閉;電郵服務商看起來是因為受到政府方面的壓力而中斷服務的。

  •   The e-mail company Lavabit posted a message on its website saying the service is being suspended.
  • 電子郵件公司拉維畢特 Lavabit 在其網站上發佈了關閉服務的消息。

  •   Owner and operator Ladar Levison wrote in the message that he cannot share the reason because of U.S. laws against it.
  • 公司所有者和經營商拉達爾‧利維森(Ladar Levison) 在這則資訊中說,他不能透露關閉原因,否則有違美國法律。

  •   He said he had twice made "the appropriate requests" to share the information.
  • 他表示,他已經兩度就披露這方面的資訊提出了 “適當的請求”。

  •   The message said the company has begun preparation for a court battle, and warned others against "anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States."
  • 該消息說,公司方面已經開始準備應付法律糾紛,並且警告大家 “不要相信他們將私人資訊存儲在位於美國的公司會是安全的”。

  •   Before its suspension, Lavabit promised its users that all e-mail sent from its servers would be encrypted in such a way that the emails could only be read by providing the user's password.
  • 拉瓦畢特在關閉服務前曾對其用戶承諾,通過其伺服器發出的郵件均經過加密,只有提供用戶密碼才能閱讀這些電郵。

  •   A second service, known as Silent Circle, has since also suspended operations.
  • 另一個名為 “靜音圈”(Silent Circle) 的電郵服務也已經停止運作。

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