現在線上人數 133人
2025.02.19 02:41
八月份 第 12 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-08-19)------
- Militants Kill 24 Egyptian Police in Sinai Attack
- 24 名埃及警察遇害 律師稱穆巴拉克可能獲釋
- Militants have targeted and killed at least 24 policemen in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, which has seen an increase in violence since the Egyptian military ousted Islamist Mohamed Morsi from the presidency last month.
- 埃及安全官員說,激進份子在西奈半島打死了至少 24 名警察;自埃及軍方上個月罷免穆爾西總統以來,西奈半島的暴力事件不斷增多。
- The attackers ambushed buses carrying the policemen early Monday near the city of Rafah, along the border with the Gaza Strip.
- 此次襲擊發生在星期一淩晨,激進份子在毗鄰加沙地帶邊境的拉法赫市附近伏擊了警察們乘坐的兩輛交通車。
- Also Monday, a lawyer for former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said his client will soon be released.
- 另外在星期一,前總統穆巴拉克的律師說,穆巴拉克很快就會獲釋。
- Fareed el-Deeb said an Egyptian court had cleared Mr. Mubarak of corruption charges, stemming from allegations he and his sons embezzled money for presidential palaces.
- 埃爾迪波說,一家埃及法院已經判決對穆巴拉克的腐敗指控不成立;穆巴拉克及其兒子被控腐敗,因為有人說,他們為修建總統府而挪用公款。
- The claims could not be immediately confirmed by judicial officials. But the French news agency (AFP), quoting judicial sources, reported that Mr. Mubarak will remain in custody on charges in an additional case.
- 穆巴拉克律師的說法無法得到埃及司法部門的證實,不過法新社援引司法界的消息來源說,穆巴拉克會因為另一案件的指控而繼續被關押。
- The 85-year-old Mubarak still faces a retrial on charges he failed to stop the killing of protesters during the popular revolt that swept him from power in 2011.
- 85 歲的穆巴拉克仍然面臨在 2011 年的反政府抗議活動中未能阻止對抗議者的殺戮的指控,可能再次接受審判;那場運動推翻了穆巴拉克政府。
- (2013-08-19)------
- New Zealand Finds Another Contaminated Milk Product Destined for China
- 紐西蘭發現第二種出口中國乳製品受到污染
- A second contaminated New Zealand milk product destined for China has been banned, just weeks after shipments of milk containing botulism bacteria were halted.
- 準備運往中國的第二種受到污染的紐西蘭乳製品被禁止出口;幾星期前,出口中國的感染肉毒桿菌的紐西蘭乳製品被禁運。
- New Zealand's agricultural regulator said Monday that it had cancelled export certificates for four consignments of lactoferrin, which provides antibacterial activity to human infants, after it was found to contain excessive levels of nitrate.
- 紐西蘭農業管理機構星期一說,在發現四批乳鐵蛋白托運貨品的硝酸鹽含量超標後,已經吊銷其出口許可證;乳鐵蛋白可以增強嬰兒的抗菌能力。
- The producer, Westland Milk Products, said none of the batches had reached Chinese consumers.
- 生產這些乳鐵蛋白製品的威士蘭乳業公司說,中國消費者沒有接觸到這些產品。
- New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra announced at the end of July that milk slated for export to China contained bacteria that causes botulism.
- 紐西蘭乳業巨頭恒天然集團 7 月底宣佈,向中國出口的乳製品含有肉毒桿菌。