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2025.02.17 02:47
八月份 第 19 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-08-29)------
- UN Chief Urges West to Await Syria Report
- 潘基文籲西方國家推遲行動等候調查結果
- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is urging world powers to hold off on possible military action against Syria until a U.N chemical weapons inspection team completes its work in the country.
- 聯合國秘書長潘基文敦促世界強國在聯合國武器檢查小組完成在敘利亞的調查之前,推遲對敘利亞採取可能的軍事行動。
- Mr. Ban said Thursday that the team will leave the country by Saturday and report its findings to him.
- 潘基文星期四說,聯合國小組定於星期六以前離開敘利亞,並向他報告調查結果。
- He said "diplomacy should be given a chance" as the U.S. and other Western powers consider their response to the Syrian government's alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians last week.
- 他說,應當給外交一個機會;美國等西方國家正在考慮如何對敘利亞當局據說上週對平民使用化學武器做出反應。
- The U.N. team left Damascus in a convoy on Thursday to begin its third day of inspections.
- 聯合國調查小組星期四乘車離開大馬士革,進行第三天的實地調查。
- British Prime Minister David Cameron is meeting with parliament on Thursday to discuss the Syria situation.
- 在英國,卡梅倫首相星期四與議會討論敘利亞局勢。
- Amid mounting pressure from lawmakers, his government said Wednesday that Britain would not take part in any military action against Syria until the U.N. team had a chance to report its findings.
- 在議會日益增長的壓力下,英國政府星期三表示,在聯合國小組提交調查結果之前,英國不會參與任何針對敘利亞的軍事行動。
- In Washington, White House officials plan to brief members of Congress, on Thursday, about intelligence on the alleged poison gas attacks that killed hundreds of civilians in Damascus suburbs.
- 在華盛頓,白宮官員計劃星期四向國會介紹有關大馬士革郊區化學武器襲擊的情報;有幾百名平民在攻擊中喪生。
- The Syrian government denies having any role in the alleged attacks.
- 敘利亞政府否認動用了化學武器。
- And state media reports say Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said Thursday his country would defend itself against any aggression and emerge "victorious."
- 敘利亞國有媒體報導說,敘利亞總統阿薩德星期四說,敘利亞將抵抗任何入侵,並取得勝利。
- Iran warned any Western action against Syria would result in the "imminent destruction of Israel," a U.S. ally in the region.
- 伊朗警告說,西方國家對敘利亞採取任何行動都會使美國在這個地區的盟友以色列 “面臨滅亡”。
- (2013-08-29)------
- US Appeals to New Iranian President for Release of 3 Americans
- 美國呼籲伊朗總統釋放三名美國人
- The United States has issued an appeal to Iran's new president, asking for his help in returning three Americans to their families after lengthy detentions in the Islamic Republic.
- 美國向伊朗新總統魯哈尼發出呼籲,要求協助促成被長期拘留在伊朗的三名美國人與家人團聚。
- The State Department, in a statement Wednesday, said Washington is "respectfully" asking President Hasan Rouhani to facilitate the return of 65-year-old Robert Levinson, and dual American-Iranian citizens Amir Hekmati and Saeed Abedini.
- 美國國務院星期三發表聲明說,華盛頓籲請魯哈尼總統促成釋放 65 歲的萊文森以及伊朗裔美國公民赫克馬提和阿布迪尼。
- Levinson, a retired FBI agent and father of seven children, went missing from Kish Island, Iran in March 2007 while researching a smuggling case as a private investigator.
- 萊文森是退休的美國聯邦調查局特工,他有七個子女;2007 年,做為獨立調查員的萊文森在調查一起走私案件期間在伊朗基什島失蹤。
- The U.S. statement said Abedini is serving an eight-year prison term on charges related to his religious beliefs, while Hekmati -- a former U.S. Marine -- is being held on what U.S. officials call "false espionage charges."
- 美國國務院的聲明說,阿布迪尼正在服八年刑期,他因自己的宗教信仰而被判罪;赫克馬提是前美國海軍陸戰隊員;美國官員說,他是無辜的,但被控犯有間諜罪,目前受到拘押。
- The U.S. statement noted that President Rouhani, who took office earlier this month, has publicly voiced hope for improved relations with the global community.
- 美國國務院的聲明指出,本月早些時候就職的魯哈尼總統曾公開表示希望改善伊朗與國際社會的關係。