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八月份 第 08 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-08-12)------

  • Kerry in Colombia for Trade, Security Talks
  • 克里訪問哥倫比亞討論貿易與安全
  •   U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is in Colombia for meetings with officials that are expected to include discussion of trade, drug trafficking and security.
  • 美國國務卿約翰‧克里目前正在哥倫比亞會晤有關官員,會談議題預計包括貿易、打擊販毒和安全等問題。

  •   Kerry arrived in Bogota late Sunday on his first trip to South America since becoming secretary of state earlier this year.
  • 克里星期日晚間抵達波哥大,這是他今年早些時候出任國務卿以來首次訪問南美。

  •   The visit comes as the Colombian government continues peace talks with FARC rebels in a bid to end five decades of conflict, in what remains the longest-running insurgency in Latin America.
  • 目前,哥倫比亞政府繼續與反政府武裝 “哥倫比亞革命武裝力量” 舉行和談,爭取結束歷時 50 年的衝突;這是目前拉美持續時間最長的衝突。

  •   U.S. Ambassador to Colombia Michael McKinley said Sunday the United States supports both the peace process and Colombia's post-conflict transition process.
  • 美國駐哥倫比亞大使邁克爾‧麥金利星期日說,美國既支援哥倫比亞當前的和平進程,也支援衝突後的過渡進程。

  •   Colombia is one of the closest U.S. allies in the region, but officials have expressed concern about reports leaked by a former NSA contractor detailing secret U.S. surveillance programs that gathered phone and Internet data from across the region.
  • 哥倫比亞是美國在該地區關係最密切的盟國之一,不過,哥倫比亞官員對前美國國安局合同工愛德華‧斯諾登洩露的消息表示了關注;斯諾登爆料說,美國的秘密監聽項目在整個地區蒐集電話與網際網路數據。

  • (2013-08-12)------

  • Hundreds Evacuated After Indonesia Volcano Erupts
  • 印尼火山噴發 數百人撤離
  •   Indonesian emergency officials say they have evacuated more than 500 residents from a tiny island where a volcano has erupted, killing at least five people, including two children.
  • 印度尼西亞緊急事務官員說,從一個小島撤離了 500 多名居民,那裏的一座火山噴發,造成至少五人死亡,其中包括兩名兒童。

  •   Authorities said Monday the 500 evacuees from Palue have been moved to the neighboring island of Flores after Saturday's deadly eruption of Mount Rokatenda. Thousands more are awaiting evacuation.
  • 有關當局說,星期一把帕魯厄島的 500 多名居民疏散到了鄰近的弗洛勒斯島,帕魯厄島的羅卡滕達火山於上星期六噴發,造成傷亡。目前還有數千人等待撤離。

  •   Rokatenda has been showing signs of increased activity since October.
  • 自去年 10 月以來,羅卡滕達火山一直顯示活動增多的跡象。

  •   Thousands of Palue residents had already evacuated to Flores before the latest eruption.
  • 在羅卡滕達火山上次噴發後,已有數千名帕魯厄島居民轉移到弗洛勒斯島。

  •   Indonesia has dozens of active volcanoes and straddles major tectonic fault lines known as the "Ring of Fire" between the Pacific and Indian oceans.
  • 印度尼西亞有數十座活火山;印尼地處一個地殼大斷層上,位於太平洋和印度洋之間的這個大斷層被稱做 “火環”。


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